Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results

RE: All Departmental Heads and Supervisors

It is with lots of thanks and appreciation for the diligent and committed services that you have rendered to this organization that I do write this letter. The management knows very well that it has not been easy to come this far without the kind of dedication that you have exhibited. Without you, it could not have been easy to reach the heights that we have achieved particularly last year. Your dedication coupled with a commitment to this company cannot go unnoticed.

The very high profit after tax realized last year could not have been a reality without your total dedication to one common purpose of achieving immense success that we all witnessed. We salute each one of you for their contribution towards the overall success of the entire organization.

The management compliments the junior staff who worked tirelessly to ensure that everything is put in order and that our clients received the best service that compares to none other among our competitors. Being in the hospitality industry the junior staff were the ones who had direct contact with our customers and the management received no complaints about the conduct of all these highly valuable staffs.

This is an open letter addressed to all departmental heads and all about the recent behavior displayed during the celebrations of the company’s fiftieth anniversary. The management noted with a lot of concern the sudden change of conduct among the members of staff in a move that appeared to be well orchestrated. The behavior which was aimed at paralyzing the daily activities of the company did not go down well with the management as there was no communication made to the management.

Noting that the company has put down a well-laid organization structure, the organizers of this go-slow never forwarded any complaints to the management on time; a clear indication that the correct procedure was overlooked. This goes slow that was witnessed on a day like that which meant so much to the company and the shareholders will be regarded as an indiscipline case since the right channel was not followed while forwarding the complaints.

Every member of staff knows very well the importance of an anniversary to this organization. This is a moment of interaction between the management, the staff, all shareholders, and any other stakeholder who may be having a vested interest in our esteemed organization. The conduct of every one of us is of paramount importance as this cordial relationship amongst us can only be shown to our shareholders on such a day. Displaying behavior of the sort that was shown on the anniversary day celebrations taints the image of the entire organization and shows a big lapse in the management’s efforts to listen to the needs of its employees.

Neglecting one’s duties as a show of solidarity amongst yourselves at the expense of the overall good of the entire company contravenes the very details that are stipulated in the letters of appointment that each one of you appended their signatures. It is also worth noting that the letters were signed individually and not as a group as some of you were trying to insinuate. Going ahead and ignoring your duties as a group indicates that this was a well-organized strike whose motive is yet to be established.

The essence of having you as leaders is to ensure that there is smooth communication between the management and staff, a role that you not only failed to play but you also contributed to going against. This cannot escape unnoticed and the management demands an explanation from each one of you on the possible reasons behind this behavior. In the meantime, you have been relieved of your duties until such an explanation is given and forwarded to the management in writing.

This is for the overall good of the entire organization and as a measure to avoid a repeat of such an incidence in the future. The management, therefore, expects the issues mentioned in this letter to be treated with the seriousness they deserve and to be treated as a matter of urgency.

This letter should be treated with the seriousness it deserves. On behalf of the management team, I wish you all the best as you address the issues herein.

I remain you’re faithful,


Robert Brown

Principles followed.

While writing this letter, I tried to observe the following principles that are adhered to in writing a negative business letter.

  1. I started by complimenting and appreciating the services of my employees.
  2. I avoided mentioning the negative issue which in this case was a go-slow during the fiftieth-anniversary celebrations of the company.
  3. Lastly, after addressing the issues at hand I expected the concerned parties to come into agreement by replying to the letter stating their side of the story this is according to Guffey (5).

Works Cited

Guffey, Ellen. Business Communication: Process and Product 4th Ed Mason, OH: South-Western, a Division of Thompson learning, 2003.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results." March 5, 2021.


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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results." March 5, 2021.

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