Employee Communication: Cultural Differences between Americans & Russians

In the era of globalization processes and the deep integration of digital technologies in professional practice, communication between employees and partners located in different regions is of particular importance. An organization must maintain a favorable corporate atmosphere, and therefore it is of fundamental importance to establish mechanisms for effective communication between employees from different countries. Two countries with different cultural codes were chosen for the discussion in this post, namely the United States and Russia. These are entirely different regions with different everything: history, social and economic policies, territorial governance, and values. Therefore, when briefly introducing oneself, one should distinguish with whom the individual is going to interact. For example, to introduce oneself to a Russian, one might say the following.

“Hi, my name is X, and I am a new employee at the company. I am still new here, so I do not know much. Can you show me around sometime?”

In contrast, for an American, the following greeting would make more sense.

“Hi, my name is X, and I am a new employee at the company. I am still new here, so I do not know much. Please tell me, will you have time to show me around?”

Both phrases are broadly similar and semantically reflect the same meaning. However, a lesser emphasis on personal space is noticeable about the Russian person since it is known that Russian people do not tend to delineate personal boundaries as much as Americans do (Scott, 2014). “Can you show me…” literally means an insistent request that would be impolite to refuse, while “Please tell me, will you have time…” specifies the possibility of spending time together at all. Thus, even on the example of these two regions, the cultural difference, including in business relations, becomes apparent. For more specificity, it is suggested to follow the following recommendations — according to Scott — in correspondence with a Russian:

  1. Do not talk about money – it is indecent.
  2. Show at once that you can be trusted and that you are not a swindler.
  3. Do not use polite words like “thank you” or “excuse me.
  4. Try to be more serious.

At the same time, the following recommendations are typical for communicating with Americans:

  1. Respect personal space: do not get too close during physical contact.
  2. Try to become good friends the first time you meet them.
  3. Be less severe and more informal: make jokes, ask your partner how he/she is doing.

The bottom line is that the difference between U.S. and Russian cultures is noticeable, and you should take this into account when starting a new business relationship. If one ignores these differences, one may come across as impolite or overly pushy.


Scott, M. (2014). Cultural differences between Americans & Russians. PennState. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Employee Communication: Cultural Differences between Americans & Russians." September 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/employee-communication-cultural-differences-between-americans-and-amp-russians/.


StudyCorgi. "Employee Communication: Cultural Differences between Americans & Russians." September 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/employee-communication-cultural-differences-between-americans-and-amp-russians/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Employee Communication: Cultural Differences between Americans & Russians." September 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/employee-communication-cultural-differences-between-americans-and-amp-russians/.

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