Employee Motivation and Promotion

Promotions are key indicators in determining the success of an employee. Promotions take years, whereby the growth is measured after some time. Promotions are not entirely determined by the employee or manager’s control (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). However, organizations can only promote few employees. Hence, situations where top-performing employees expect promotions and need help to receive such promotions lead to problems (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). According to a recent survey, lack of promotion makes it difficult for organizations to keep top talents due to a lack of career mobility (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). Thus, the manager’s role is to help employees meet their goals. This enables managers to develop strategies that help them keep creative and top managers (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). For instance, informing employees that they require key skills that hinder them from earning promotions. The manager should talk to employees about improving their skills. Additionally, managers should narrow down the importance of promotion and reward to employees. For example, increasing employees’ pay motivates them (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023).Therefore, adding more monetary value to employees enables the manager to keep top talented employees.

The article “How to motivate a Top performer- when you cannot promote them “relates to the human management class. In the article, the authors discuss the challenges managers undergo when the promotion of top employees fails. They provide strategies managers can take to keep top performers motivated and engaged in the organization’s activities. The article discusses the critical aspects of human resource management since it is the role of managers to ensure employees are motivated to keep their morale (Ott-Holland & Cao, 2023). Hence, the article gives managers critical insights on motivating their employees in case promotion fails.

In conclusion, hardworking employees should be motivated by earning promotions. However, not all cases whereby employees are motivated. Failure to motivate employees may lead to losing top talents and performers. Therefore, managers should prevent this by developing strategies that motivate and keep employees’ morale. For example, increasing employees’ pay and advising them on improving their skills.


Ott-Holland, C., & Cao, M. (2023). How to motivate a top performer when you cannot promote them. Harvard Business Review. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Employee Motivation and Promotion." January 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/employee-motivation-and-promotion/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Employee Motivation and Promotion." January 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/employee-motivation-and-promotion/.

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