Employee Productivity and Working Environment

Employee productivity is an indicator that allows evaluating the effectiveness of staff performance. Employees of a company present one of the most significant resources and managers want their subordinates to successfully do the maximum amount of work for the minimum time. To calculate employee productivity, such indicator as workforce productivity based on inputs and outputs is used. Namely, the level of employee productivity is determined by the number of products or the number of services that an aggregate number of employees produces per unit of working time (hour, shift, day, year, etc.) spent for the production of a unit of output, be it work or service. The mentioned concept is characterized by the efficiency of employees’ production, the volume of manufactured goods or provide services for a given period, and the costs that are essential for the effective operation of a company.

When employee productivity in an organization is high, the costs for output are reduced. In this case, it is possible to speak about the high profitability of production. The key benefit of measuring employee productivity is the continuous monitoring of employee performance. Due to the comparison with the indicators for the year or another period, it is possible to trace the dynamics of either increase or decrease and identify possible problems with productivity in certain sectors of production. The opportunity of improving employee performance makes it possible to evaluate corresponding characteristics before and after the introduction of innovations. Analyzing the data, it is important to determine the nature of factors that negatively affect the quality of work. For example, such issues as insufficient break time, failure of management strategies, or a lack of employee motivation may be noted. As a result of addressing the above issues, the work of all employees may be significantly improved.

To implement employee productivity, it is critical to focus on the positive working environment by establishing a culture of openness and integrity. First, one should consider the existing products and understand how it works. After that, the stage of analysis implies a detailed investigation of potential strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. Based on the mentioned points, a manager is to establish a plan of improvement with the expected Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), taking into account the available resources, timelines, work specifics, and goals to be achieved. The creation of a productive environment would significantly contribute to the implementation of employee productivity and its steady growth. By encouraging collaboration between employees and managers, a company would boost productivity through shared knowledge and skills as well as teamwork. Managers should show a personal attitude to everything that happens in their company as this is rather important for their employees. For example, they may organize corporate events for employees and their families or friends. This will help a company’s personnel to know each other more closely in informal settings.

Among the key deliverables of employee productivity, one may point out increased KPI’s, planned goals versus completed goals, and the number of hours spent to produce goods or provide services. It is of great importance to document all deliverables to see the whole picture and come up with relevant conclusions. Another essential tool to analyze deliverables is the creation of visuals or metrics, the use of which helps to understand the situation with employee productivity better.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 26). Employee Productivity and Working Environment. https://studycorgi.com/employee-productivity-and-working-environment/

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StudyCorgi. "Employee Productivity and Working Environment." October 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/employee-productivity-and-working-environment/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Employee Productivity and Working Environment." October 26, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/employee-productivity-and-working-environment/.

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