End Play Check of Automatic Transmission During Reassembly


End play, commonly referred to as thrust bearing clearance, is the maximum distance between two thrust bearings within which the shaft of the engine can move. Therefore, end play check is the process of assessing the axial movement in an electric engine during either the manufacturing or reassembly processes (Gilles, 2018). Regardless of the motor’s bearing configuration, the end play check procedure used during reassembly is often standard. A breakdown of the benefits of performing end-play checks of automatic transmission during reassembly forms the basis of this paper.


The input and output shafts are used in nearly all automatic transmission engine models. To move torque to the differential, most transaxles do, however, require a transfer shaft. End play check in automatic transmission (AT) is important in ensuring that the forecited shafts have enough room for expansion during high temperatures. This is possible because AT engines’ hydraulic thrust bearings are structured to run on an oil layer between them without getting into contact with other metals (Gilles, 2018). As a result, the end play check ensures that the bearing babbitt surface experiences the least friction, as further explained in the section below.

Depending on the circumstance of use, the extent of babbitt reduction changes throughout an engine’s lifespan. Transient electric discharge and acoustic cavitation are the main triggers of this condition (Gilles, 2018). If not fixed on time, babbitt reduction potentially causes a bearing wipe and breakdown. End play check ameliorates this situation by ensuring there is enough space for the spread of oil films, rotational displacement, and thermal expansion of the bearing parts. Throughout the reassembly process, transaxles parts that experience regular contact are lubricated, particularly during the end play check.

Furthermore, end play check in AR engines is crucial for tracing anomalies in the axial shaft vibration. Collar wobbling, in which the leveling plates repeatedly try to balance the spinning high point of the collar, is a major cause of unbalanced vibration. Since equalizing thrust bearings are not made to handle tremendous dynamic pressure, the leveling plates’ contact points are likely to wear down.


Therefore, an end play check is crucial in identifying the runout rate of the collar and shaft before reassembly is completed. The breakdown of specific benefits of end play check highlighted in this paper can help readers appreciate the significance of the entire process of transaxle reassembly.


Gilles, T. (2018). Automotive engines: diagnosis, repair, and rebuilding. Cengage Learning.

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1. StudyCorgi. "End Play Check of Automatic Transmission During Reassembly." August 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/end-play-check-of-automatic-transmission-during-reassembly/.


StudyCorgi. "End Play Check of Automatic Transmission During Reassembly." August 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/end-play-check-of-automatic-transmission-during-reassembly/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "End Play Check of Automatic Transmission During Reassembly." August 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/end-play-check-of-automatic-transmission-during-reassembly/.

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