Environmental Health Care: A Common Cause of Lead Exposure

Lead exposure is a type of poisoning that may be prevented and recognized. The sources of lead exposure vary, depending on the environment, the age of individuals, and other external factors like cosmetics or medicine (Obeng-Gyasi, 2019). However, the most common cause of lead exposure is lead-based paint. Until the middle of the 20th century, many populations extensively used lead in paint to ensure paint moisture resistance and save the time necessary for drying (Obeng-Gyasi, 2019). Therefore, the presence of lead paint on walls may challenge many old houses and places of interest. Today, the number of such toxic elements in paint has been reduced to less than 0.0009% (Obeng-Gyasi, 2019). However, some paint samples remain dangerous for human health, provoking clinical outcomes in individuals of any age. People continue choosing toxic paint without knowing that they make themselves vulnerable to lead exposure.

Despite the intention to promote equality and fairness in American society, health care quality significantly differs in rural and urban areas. More than 50 million people live in non-metropolitan or rural regions today, and all expect to obtain high-quality care and the possibility to protect their physical and emotional well-being (Coughlin et al., 2019). Unfortunately, healthcare is worse in rural areas because of different reasons. Coughlin et al. (2019) mention the challenge of long travel times to reach the necessary care facility because of a shortage of care professionals locally. In addition, low incomes, poor knowledge, and limited health literacy might explain rural health problems (Coughlin et al., 2019). Most rural citizens prefer hard work over rest, neglect many preventive measures, and forget about health insurance compared to urban citizens. Thus, workforce shortages and negligence of basic rules promote bad health care in rural regions.


Coughlin, S. S., Clary, C., Johnson, J. A., Berman, A., Heboyan, V., Benevides, T., Moore, J., & George, V. (2019). Continuing challenges in rural health in the United States. Journal of Environment and Health Sciences, 5(2), 90-92.

Obeng-Gyasi, E. (2019). Sources of lead exposure in various countries. Reviews on Environmental Health, 34(1), 25-34. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Environmental Health Care: A Common Cause of Lead Exposure." September 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-health-care-a-common-cause-of-lead-exposure/.


StudyCorgi. "Environmental Health Care: A Common Cause of Lead Exposure." September 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-health-care-a-common-cause-of-lead-exposure/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Environmental Health Care: A Common Cause of Lead Exposure." September 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-health-care-a-common-cause-of-lead-exposure/.

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