Environmental Trends and Family

The world around a person is continuously changing due to the emergence of new technologies. Each of these changes affects a person’s life and health. For example, increased urbanization is reducing air quality, which leads to various diseases. Therefore, at the moment, there are widespread forecasts and proposals designed to improve the lives of individuals and families in general. This essay explores these trends and their impact on a person’s future growth.

First of all, it is worth noting the numerous programs for cleaning the surroundings. At the moment, environmental pollution is the most acute problem in the modern world. For example, according to statistics and forecasts, if the situation does not change in any way, the amount of plastic in rivers will double (van Wijnen et al., 2019). The pollution of essential water sources will affect the health of all people. That is why there are many proposals in various fields designed to attract the attention of people.

These programs are focused on several main areas designed to prevent significant health problems. Attention is paid to developing new methods for studying the human condition and the environment through the creation of new data platforms (Sarkar & Webster, 2017). Secondly, at the moment, 97% of the EU health budget is focused on treating diseases, and only 3% is left on prevention. Accordingly, it is planned to shift the focus to early detection of disorders and the elimination of the causes of morbidity. It will support promote healthy lifestyles, which will help all families and children grow up in the urban environment.

Besides, the very concept of human life inside a closed space is actively explored. The effects of environmental change also affect indoor air quality, which raises the problem of air regulation, temperature, humidity, and cleanliness (Salthammer et al., 2018). In line with this challenge, smart solutions concepts for mechanical and manual ventilation of homes are investigated by modifying insulation standards. These reforms should contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, especially children and the elderly, who spend a lot of time inside the house.

In addition to the study of physical environmental factors, much attention is paid to biological issues. For example, at the moment, ongoing research of the plant environment’s microbiome and the symbiotic interaction of microorganisms and plants is underway. Studying the planet’s ecosystem’s structure allows a better understanding of the role of plants in human life (Berg et al., 2017). Accordingly, the knowledge gained makes it possible to improve control over the health of people by controlling microbial diversity in the body.

At the same time, such a critical moment of human life as sleep is also studied. With the increase in the pace of life, the duration and the quality of sleep are rapidly deteriorating in people of all ages. According to statistics, children are most affected by this trend; studies on adults give much more mixed results (Matricciani et al., 2017). Poor sleep patterns lead to behavioral and immune problems and can have severe consequences. Therefore, special attention is paid to the issue, and in the future, we can expect further development of this direction to improve families’ lives.

Finally, research focuses on caring for older people, the number of which is increasing due to the general improvement in living conditions. That problem is especially acute in Japan since simulations show that by 2040, just over a quarter of older people in Japan will have social disabilities (Chen et al., 2016). The data obtained from these models allows for more accurate health predictions and the active development of prevention methods.

Thus, there are many approaches to predicting the future environment and its impact on people and families of all ages in the modern world. This issue is considered both from a physical point of view by analyzing pollution and biological by studying the microbiology of a person and factors that affect his health. Thanks to many approaches, humanity will surely make every effort to provide a healthier and more comfortable life for future generations.


Berg, G., Köberl, M., Rybakova, D., Müller, H., Grosch, R., & Smalla, K. (2017). Plant microbial diversity is suggested as the key to future biocontrol and health trends. FEMS microbiology ecology, 93(5), 1-24. Web.

Chen, B.K., Jalal, H., Hashimoto, H., Suen, S.C., Eggleston, K., Hurley, M., Schoemaker, L., & Bhattacharya, J. (2016). Forecasting trends in disability in a super-aging society: adapting the future elderly model to Japan. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 8, 42-51. Web.

Matricciani, L., Bin, Y. S., Lallukka, T., Kronholm, E., Dumuid, D., Paquet, C., & Olds, T. (2017). Past, present, and future: trends in sleep duration and implications for public health. Sleep health, 3(5), 317-323. Web.

Salthammer, T., Schieweck, A., Gu, J., Ameri, S., & Uhde, E. (2018). Future trends in ambient air pollution and climate in Germany – Implications for the indoor environment. Building and Environment, 143, 661-670. Web.

Sarkar, C., & Webster, C. (2017). Urban environments and human health: current trends and future directions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 25, 33-44. Web.

van Wijnen, J., Ragas, A. M., & Kroeze, C. (2019). Modelling global river export of microplastics to the marine environment: Sources and future trends. Science of the Total Environment, 673, 392-401. Web.

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