Ethical Issues in Human Cloning: Response

Cloning can be a topic for science fiction or thrillers. Nevertheless, it became a reality when animals began to be cloned. Although cloning sounds exciting from the perspective of technology and genetic engineering, I do not support the idea of human cloning.

I would not like to be a clone of either my parents or someone else. First of all, I am interested what is the purpose of such an experiment. Even if this clone had to save the universe, I would not agree to this action. My classmates say they would like to be clones of their parents to acquire some positive characteristics of them. However, I do not see any sense in it because one can learn and train some skills or strive for self-improvement. Moreover, it looks more valuable to retain my uniqueness and identity. Thus, authenticity plays a more critical role in the general development of our planet.

Another reason to argue against cloning is the ethical issues of this practice. It seems immoral to clone a human that can develop abnormalities and die early (Nwoye, 2019). In view of this, cloning contradicts the concept of human dignity and has nothing in common with the protection of people’s lives. None knows how the clone’s personality will evolve and whether the clone can be self-sufficient. Besides, this can have irrecoverable consequences in psychological and social terms.

To conclude, when we look closer at the issue of cloning, we can assume that it is not attractive from various perspectives. Cloning cannot retain the uniqueness of a human and can damage a person psychologically. Moreover, there are many ethical issues around this phenomenon, which make it dangerous.


Nwoye , L. (2019). Ethical issues in human cloning. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation, 2(4), pp. 125–128.

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