Ethical Issues in Medical Care of Youth

Speaking of the importance of ethical considerations in medical care, it is worth saying that this applies to children and everyone in general. This point must be respected in any possible treatment and taken into account in the diagnosis and the simple communication with the patient. In addition, working with children requires much more effort since their formation in the world is just beginning. The doctor must be the person whose visual example will develop simultaneously as a future personality. Therefore, the question of what attitude of doctors on the part of ethical considerations should be appropriate for children will be relevant for a long time.

Case Analysis

For example, we will consider a patient diagnosed with gender dysphoria very problematic regarding communication for both the patient and his parents. Since this diagnosis is not uncommon these days, it is worth noting that work with him must be handled with extreme care since sex education for adolescents is susceptible, and often parents do not pay due attention to this problem.

From the preliminary data, there is a patient who is almost 11 years old and is convinced that he is a boy, although medically, he has prominent feminine characteristics (Case Study on Transgender Youth, 2019). Referring to the patient’s characterization, there are several important details, such as the fact that he learned that he wanted to be a member of the opposite sex through the Internet rather than immediately after birth. This information will surely confuse the child into believing that he must be of the other sex.

Parents are very concerned about the child’s behavior and do not understand how such a problem can be solved. Not surprisingly, it is worth understanding that, as mentioned earlier, the topic of puberty cannot do without parental intervention (Bekaert, 2017). Therefore, in the treatment process, it is essential to focus on what they can tell the child as well. Young people should always feel supported by their elders, and in no way should they be judged for their decisions. Speaking specifically about this diagnosis, parents also have to support the child. If they have the opposite opinion, then express it not directly to the young person, and seek help from a therapist.

Parents Insist on Futile Care for their Children

Speaking in general about how parents influence the process of treatment and when it may indeed be appropriate, it is worth saying that any intervention other than a doctor’s in the treatment process can not be called acceptable. Doctors are experts in their field, and it is much easier for them to understand a diagnosis than anyone else. Of course, parents care about their children and wish them only the best, but when it comes to treatment or diagnosis, one should not interfere in the work of specialists because it can lead to more complicated consequences (British Medical Association, 2018). The same goes for ethical considerations. Parents should only provide psychological support, only lightly guiding the child to the correct answer (British Medical Association, 2018). Everything else should be done by an experienced professional.

Adolescents Disagree with their Parents on what Medical Treatment They Should Have

If a child disagrees with the way they are being treated, an experienced psychologist who can correctly manipulate the child can also intervene, even if at first the child is not happy with this intervention. However, it is also worth mentioning that in the case which is considered in this paper as an example, the parents have not yet sought help from the right specialist who, in turn, must both indulge the teenager’s desires and help him get out of a problematic situation to set the right emotional mood.

Parents Refuse Treatment for their Children on Religious Grounds

Speaking of religious restrictions on treatment, everyone has the right to choose how appropriate a method seems to them and doctors should not insist that treatment is necessary without any special need. This tactic applies only in the most challenging cases where a person’s life is at stake. For the rest, there are special authorities in charge of looking after children and who can convince them that their intentions to refuse treatment are wrong, if necessary. Medical personnel must provide their services, but when people refuse treatment, it is worth listening to their dissatisfaction and trying to persuade them, but not too intrusively.

Deciding which Disputed Treatments for Children are Medically Necessary

Treatment methods for children should be as safe as possible, and sometimes there is a need to use controversial medications. Healthcare workers have clear instructions on how to act in such cases. First, it is necessary to talk directly with the parents about the risks and why it is essential to carry out this particular treatment method if there are no alternatives. Ultimately, the decision should not be made by doctors but by the people closest to the child.

Keeping Children’s Secrets from their Parents

Every child in the world has secrets from their parents. These can be minor misdemeanors or rather severe problems. However, it is worth noting that children should not hide anything about their health. Understanding all the risks and threats to the life of a young person should be in the first place in the doctor’s and parent’s life. Therefore, during a routine checkup, the doctor should sometimes ask about the patient’s health problems but cannot tell his parents. It is also essential to promise that this will remain a secret between the two of you so that the child can be more open. No matter how terrifying secrets are, they cannot be allowed to ruin young people’s health.


Bekaert, S. (2017). Adolescents and sex : the handbook for professionals working with young people. Radcliffe.

British Medical Association. (2018). Consent, rights, and choices in health care for children and young people. Bmj Books.

Case Study on Transgender Youth: Juanita Hodax, MD, and Catherine Sumerwell, DNP, ARNP | Seattle Children’s Provider News. (2019). Web.

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