Ethics in the Business World Based on Dilbert TV Series

In the fourteenth episode of the second season of the Dilbert TV series, the main character faces an ethical dilemma that makes him choose between his personal principles and various temptations. Moreover, the situation is further complicated by the fact that the product, which becomes the source of this dilemma, is practically useless. Personally, I would exactly follow the path taken by Dilbert since his decisions reflect the values of integrity and responsibility, which are essential for any individual who is concerned with protecting their business reputation. The external factors, such as potential material benefits, peer pressure, and a personal relationship with the loved ones, must not affect people who possess a strong will and are loyal to the ethics they espouse. I would like to address each of the factors separately and explain my actions in every situation.

When Dilbert is tasked with developing a nationwide Internet voting network, he instantly becomes a target of various special-interest groups that want to persuade him to make it work in their favor, using bribes. This constitutes the first ethical choice one can make. Personally, I would refuse all the advances of such organizations because accepting their proposals would convert me into a dishonest individual. The project itself affects every person in the country, thus I would be given an enormous responsibility to each of them. Pandering to the needs of a select few would mean a betrayal of my fellow citizens, my family, friends, and neighbors. Such a situation is applicable to any setting, all people function in society and are subsequently responsible for each other. I believe that acting selfishly is unethical and implies many negative consequences, and thus should never be the strategy of a business person.

Another factor that impacts Dilbert is his colleagues who are trying to pressure him to change his mind, and, namely, the executive manager of his company. If I were encouraged by my director to pursue unethical practices, I would simply vacate the premises of my job and refuse to return there again. Moreover, if I learned about the fact that the managerial staff is involved in illegal collusion with representatives of other companies, as it was shown in the episode, I would notify the authorities. This again makes me stress the importance of personal responsibility and integrity because unethical behavior inevitably harms a considerable number of people, be it clients or other businesses. Being submissive to malicious intents of the people one works with will cause an individual to become complacent and equally responsible for the wrong their company commits. Therefore, I, just like Dilbert, would not let my peers influence my opinion and, as a result, make an unethical decision.

The final factor and the one which makes Dilbert question his judgment is the love of a woman, the fact that she was initially sent by a tobacco company does not bear much significance. This situation represents a variation of a classic thought experiment, the trolley problem, which makes a person choose sacrificing one for the sake of saving many and vice versa. Here, Dilbert must decide whether to pursue a love affair but put at risk the country’s democracy and livelihood of millions of people, or do the opposite. I would choose the latter option in any setting because every professional must place their duties and responsibilities above their personal matters.

The episode of Dilbert discussed in this essay highlights important ethical aspects every person who is involved in the business world may face. If I were to participate in the presented situations, I would always act on the basis of maintaining the integrity and professional responsibility. Making my decisions, I would strive to provide maximum benefit for the people who rely on my work and always prioritize their interests over mine because this is the only way that is ethical.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 23). Ethics in the Business World Based on Dilbert TV Series.

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