Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project

The discussed paper and PowerPoint Presentation present the information on the necessity and aspects of establishing the in-house rapid response team (RRT) in order to provide quick and appropriate responses to in-house strokes to decrease the mortality rates (Alberts et al., 1998; Harris et al., 2011). The information on the establishment of the RRT should be divided into such categories as the information on macro, meso, and micro levels of implementation, the information describing the project’s purpose, patients, professionals, processes, and patterns, the information on the metrics, specific aim, improvement methods, tools, the elements of the quality improvement program (QIP), and the discussion of the monitoring processes, outcomes, and results. While focusing on the presence of these elements in the paper and PowerPoint Presentation, it is possible to state that the paper and PowerPoint slides are characterised by a lot of strengths, but they also have many weaknesses and do not provide the necessary information appropriately.

The paper’s strengths are in providing the detailed discussion of the macro, meso, and micro levels in relation to the RRT implementation. Furthermore, the detailed discussion of the used metrics is presented with references to the project’s goal. However, there are some weaknesses in the discussion of the RRT establishment which are related to the lack of information on such aspects as the purpose and patterns. If the necessary information on the professionals, patients, and processes is provided in detail, the purpose and patterns are not stated clearly. Moreover, the specific aim and QIP elements are only mentioned in the paper as the components of the micro-system without explaining them with references to the RRT establishment. The improvement methods and tools are described with the help of the Academic Center Evidence-Based Practice (ACE) star model, but its principles are not stated clearly in the paper (Institute of Healthcare Improvement, 2013). However, the star model is explained in detail in the Power Point Presentation.

From this point, the strengths of the Power Point Presentation are in providing the proper discussion of IOM aims for improvement, important metrics, and the elements of the star model as the used method. Thus, the information in the concise format is organised effectively in the Power Point Presentation. However, the discussion of 5 P’s is rather inappropriate because the information on patients, professionals, and processes is mixed. The paper provides the more effective discussion of the points. Nevertheless, both the paper and Power Point Presentation lack the information on the monitoring processes, outcomes, and results.

It is possible to refer to the additional methods and tools to analyse the relevance of establishing the in-house RRT and to contribute to the RRT’s effectiveness. Thus, it is possible to use the capacity-building model along with the Academic Center Evidence-Based Practice (ACE) star model in order to achieve the higher results in relation to the professionals’ enhanced knowledge and improved practical skills (Hamer, 2008, p. 37). Furthermore, it is necessary to concentrate on more expected outcomes. Thus, it is stated in the paper and in the Power Point Presentation that the establishment of the in-house RRT guarantees the decrease in the mortality rates and negative consequences of strokes. One of the expected outcomes is the optimization of the organization’s activities with references to increasing the role of the team work (Butcher, 2013). It is important to note that the promoted team work is necessary to contribute to the organization’s structure and success to improve the general health care and wellbeing rates in the region.


Alberts, M. J., Caturvedi, S., Graham, G., Hughes, R. L., Jamieson, D. G., Krawowski, F., Raps, Raps, E., & Scott, R. (1998). Acute stroke teams: Results of a national survey. Stroke, 29(1), 2319-2320.

Butcher, L. (2013). Teams work! Web.

Hamer, B. (2008). A capacity-building model for implementing a nursing best practice. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 24(1), 36-42.

Harris, J. L., Roussel, L., Walters, S. E., & Dearman, C. (2011). Project planning and management. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Institute of Healthcare Improvement. (2013). Rapid response teams.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, April 9). Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project. https://studycorgi.com/evaluation-of-the-in-house-rapid-response-team-project/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project." April 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/evaluation-of-the-in-house-rapid-response-team-project/.


StudyCorgi. "Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project." April 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/evaluation-of-the-in-house-rapid-response-team-project/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Evaluation of the In-House Rapid Response Team Project." April 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/evaluation-of-the-in-house-rapid-response-team-project/.

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