Event Conception Plan Focused on Art


The task that has been laid down requires the artistic conceptualization of an event inside the vicinity of a hotel that is under the “avant-garde” idea and movement. Under such conditions, it is necessary for elegance and prestige to be the focus, making good use of ambiance, structure and artwork that will bring out the desired emergence of the whole festival. Since it is the point of attraction, the container must be the focal point of the event and should be graced with beauty and a form of attraction that everyone in the vicinity recognizes.

We are therefore expected to develop the concept plan for day 1, having our emergence focused on the container and the themed event. To do so, a general overview of the event will be suggested, giving a brief explanation of the theme, purpose, and sponsorship of the event. In addition, a general overview of how the event will happen will also be given. The theme will also be laid down; giving a detailed explanation of how it relates to the hotel’s marketing objectives. The hotel’s benefit due to the event will also need to be explained and finally, we will want to know how the media will come into play in order to bring out the event’s emergence.

General Overview

The general feel of the event is focused on art. The intention is to give the person who is attending a feeling of a range of art from the older generation to a new, and more modernized perspective of art. A theme in this line will be “…from the past to the future”. To do this, a heavy but balanced display of Europe’s past artwork that has been redone in the near past will be put on display to give a display of the theme of the day. It is going to be an ambitious plan and therefore the sponsorship that will be involved must be influential. The British Conservative Party has been chosen to be the main contributor in terms of sponsorship, along with a few other influential contributors including top cell phone service provider Vodafone. The McMullen Museum was also picked to be another of the sponsors that will give a display of its forms of art from its gallery due to the availability of the kind of artwork we are looking for. Its proximity to the hotel also is a reason for interest in the museum (Tolles, 2008,p.11). Since the container will be the point of focus, the display point will be concentrated just near its bar, giving a bright display of the different pieces of art that show the advancement of art along the lines of time. The stakeholders involved should include the hotel management team, the sponsors that I have mentioned above, and in the end, it will also trickle down to the shareholders of the hotel (Janes, 2005, p.126).

The whole event is will be crowned with décor and can only be achieved by the display and by the quality of music that will be covered throughout the night. For the décor, a modernized approach of recreating the past shall be used, while still maintaining the elegance that comes with holding an event in such a hotel as this one. Fabric will generally be in line with the theme of the day, dark brown to represent the days that are gone while white will be used to represent the current generation of artists. This theme color will run throughout the vicinity of the location, from the ceiling board decoration to the dressing of the tables. The frontage of the container will also bear this theme color in displaying the particular artwork that will be displayed in this position.

A generally unique display of the most famous European mixture of meals from the traditional menu to the most modern display of a menu will be the highlight of the day (Lashley,2000, p.14). This display will be done by aligning the waiting team alongside the different foods present, just to give a different feel of what is usually the common custom of the hotel management. Being in line with the day’s theme, foods like the Russian soup, served warm and cold, borshch, cucumber and other various types of salads can be put on display in order to signify the advancement even in the art of foods as the days progressed, from one generation to the other (Kubilious, 2010, p.1). Generally, each aspect of the evening will share the theme that has been laid out, giving specific highlights of the various generations that humanity has advanced from since the conception of modern art in the early 19th century.

The theme in Relation to Marketing Objectives of the hotel

Since we are dealing with one of the most prestigious hotels, it is preferred that whatever will be arranged as the event planner should be in line with the prestige and objective of the hotel management. In relation to this, the event should be one that presents a mutual benefit to, the hotel, and the stakeholders of the event. Due to the ambiguous theme at hand, a lot of involvement in the museum and art industry has taken place. Consequently, a great deal of investment must be put in place in order to give a profitable return to both the hotel management and the rest of the sponsors (Bowie, pp.318-319). The client too must also receive satisfaction in that he will have enjoyed a well-spent evening.

In this regard, the hotel management has taken up this event-based type of marketing scheme in order to maximize the returns. The advantage of doing so is that in the process of the museum displaying its artwork in the hotel, then the management gets a credible opportunity of displaying the wonderful features that are present in the hotel. The hotel can decide to put together special offers to the visitors that are present, say give discounts to visitors that are present in that evening’s event. This will attract a credible number of people to come for the evening’s festival. In addition, the theme, if well advertised will attract a great number of artists and art lovers. The point here is to use the media kit that is present in order to give a maximum return through the number of people that will attend the event. While they are in the hotel, the hotel management can decide to give offers that will be attractive to the customer (Hall, 2002, p.76). The hotel can give a visual display of the rooms and the room services that they offer. Visual aid is an excellent scheme that gives an attraction since images tend to stick more within our subconscious self. One can display videos and pictures of the rooms present, the features that are found in the rooms, the external facilities, the kitchen equipment and the entertainment spots that the hotel has to offer. It can introduce new services in form of a launch in the same event as organized by all the parties involved. In general, the hotel management has a lot to gain when the function is held in its hotel. The profit that it is bound to gain due to effective advertisement through the event is quite huge. Like the other parties, involve themselves in maximizing the returns that the event present, the hotel also gains from the same.

How well the Event Positions the Hotel Company

As with any other event being beneficial to the hotel company, the event presents great advantages to the hotel. As discussed earlier, the event goes a long way in advertising the hotel. This is done effectively as the event organizers mention the venue of the function to be this particular hotel. In simply doing so, the event organizers give the hotel a name for themselves. Conventions and exhibitions always attract a certain particular class of people. The majority of them are the rich and prestigious, mostly being businesspersons, professionals and people of specific talents or specialties. The more they attend events in a certain hotel, the more they are acquitted to the place and the more these people grow fond of the particular hotels. Another advantage is that such events create synergy between the host hotel and the clients. With the coming together of the hotel management, the sponsors mentioned, and the advertising agency, a certain bond is created that will be of mutual benefit to all parties involved. This will give an effect that will outlast one that will be created through one company working to achieve such an objective. Donations from the museum can be donated to the hotel because of a good relationship. The hotel can provide catering services for galleries and so on and so forth. In business, building relationship with clients is way better than making sales since it secures the company’s future.

Finally, another benefit is the fact that it provides a base for business interaction. All the parties involved get to meet at one place at the same time. This presents opportunities for business people to exchange ideas, share experiences and give information that might benefit other parties. Not only so but potential customers get to meet representatives of the hotel and the other sponsors and learn more of what these people have to offer. In the process, deals are struck, creating opportunities all around. In general, there seems to be reason enough for the hotel to consider such an offer as to host such a prestigious event (Taiwan News, 2010, p.1).

Media Coverage

In order to achieve maximum results, the media is a tool that will be used to its maximum effect to give these kinds of results. One of the most powerful tools that will be used is publicity. Media publicity involving covering the proceedings of the event benefits all the parties involved since it is cheap and one will not restrict the limitations of words and images that will be shown. Publicity is a great advertising tool since it gives coverage and more specification to the highlight of the event as the person on the other side wants to hear. Reporters will be sent to do this and thus in the process, promotes the hotel company, the sponsors that are present and also other business persons that are involved as the ones who have attended the event. In addition, credibility will be established. For any of the parties involved, merely advertising themselves is not as powerful as when a real live feature about what the company is doing is placed as a story(Anderson, 2010, p.87). As much as a few of the funds are going to be dedicated to advertising the event prior to the date due, media coverage will go a long way in making the event be one of complete success.


Giving the event an artistic art, taking the artwork a notch higher in terms of artistic display and giving the event a general theme are some of the few intricacies that will define the elegance that should be present in such an event as this. The first impression that is given to the people attending the event should be one of impression and awe. Media coverage is, therefore, necessary to maximize this impression. It will give the final touch of success on the side of event organizing and is, therefore, one of the event’s greatest assets.

Reference List

  1. Anderson, Judy L., 2010. Publicity and Public Relations. Event Management Simplified. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse. P.87
  2. Bowie, David, 2004. Unit Marketing Plan. Hospitality marketing: an introduction. Boston, Newyork: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp 318-319.
  3. Hall, C. M. & Sharples, L. 2002. Food tourism around the world: Development, Management and Markets. Butterworth. p.76
  4. Janes, Robert R., 2005. Who are your most important Stakeholders?. Looking reality in the eye: museums and social responsibility. Alberta Canada: University of Calgary Press. p.126
  5. Kubilious, Kerry. 2010. Traditional Eastern European Foods – Foods of Eastern Europe. Eastern European Travel.
  6. Lashley, C. & Morrison, A eds. 2000. In Search of Hospitality: Theoretical perspectives and debates. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, p.14
  7. Taiwan News. 2010. Far Eastern Taipei, Tainan to provide MICE groups with unrivaled benefits.
  8. Tolles, Bryant Franklin. 2008. Summer by the seaside: the architecture of New England coastal resort hotels. Washington USA: UPNE p. 11

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