Trigger Events to Attract Media Attention

Trigger events are orchestrated incidents that give individuals an opportunity to drive important agendas, and in turn, attract media attention. Generating media hype is not as simple as stated because it requires careful planning and execution. Additionally, the media should be able to consider the event as newsworthy before covering the same. Public figures such as celebrities have the potential of triggering media coverage of an event. Media outlets are always interested in the latest news about celebrities, and having these celebrities at any event heightens media involvement to gather information for their consumers. Your selection of a National Basketball Association (NBA) player is an excellent choice because the majority of NBA players are public figures. The press will be interested to know the involvement of the NBA star in your event, resulting in increased coverage.

Homelessness in America is a public concern because of the many disparities, especially in relation to health care, that homeless people experience. According to the National Academic of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018), it is important that individuals come together in the fight against homelessness. Everyone in the community should be involved in the course. With the new homeless shelter, there are several trigger events that can increase media coverage for the event. For instance, inviting the NBA player to open up the shelter and give a speech can be effective in drawing the attention of the media. Additionally, organizing a local basketball match and inviting the NBA player to attend will attract many people, including the media. Thus, the event will have enough media attention and even attract potential sponsors, as you have mentioned.

An important trigger event, especially for the opening of a new flower shop in the suburban community, would be naming the flowers shop after the chosen NBA player. Consumers of media news and information will be curious to know the truth about the shop and its significance in the life of the NBA player. To further increase the chance of the event receiving media attention, propaganda can be spread to insinuate that the flower shop belongs to the NBA player. With the notion that the yet-to-be-opened flower shop belongs to the player, many media outlets will be interested in acquiring more information. An opening date will be provided online, and the community members will be invited for the grand opening, and the NBA player will be in attendance. Such a stunt will increase media coverage for the event.

Curiosity is another selling point to increase media coverage. Through the NBA player’s social media platforms, a sneak picture can be posted about the upscale restaurant and shopping center. The NBA player will then encourage people to guess the place and finally invite them to come and know more about the place. The media will be hooked and present at the event to give their consumers more news about the event. Generally, trigger events and the involvement of celebrities have the potential of increasing media coverage. You have clearly and precisely made excellent proposals that have the potential of drawing the media to cover your client for the given scenarios. To be specific, your client being present during the launch of any of the scenarios is an economical strategy which will lure the media to the event.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). Addressing Homelessness in the United States. In Permanent Supportive Housing: Evaluating the Evidence for Improving Health Outcomes Among People Experiencing Chronic Homelessness. National Academies Press (US).

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