Everybody’s Ethnic: Communication Between Cultures

Culture is defined as a path of beliefs and behaviors developed by a specific group of people shaped from generation to generation. According to Samovar et al. (2015), culture and communication work in tandem; that is to say, culture is communication, and communication is culture. Through culture, we understand why different communities/societies hold on to different practices and activities. From the video, Everybody’s ethnic (2022), culture is that component of the society that solely controls all aspects of life. Moreover, Samovar et al. (2015) reinstate that culture influences all human life aspects. Every society has its own culture, which they observe unknowingly. For example, newborns get attached to what happens around them as normal. Therefore, culture is considered invisible to those who swim in it but are crystal clear to outsiders. Cultures bound together people with the same beliefs and traditions and lockout those with no clue about it. To survive in any society, it is important to grasp and understand the forces that control aspects of life. In conclusion, acculturation is a dynamic process that occurs naturally in society without formal education.

I agree with the information contained in the two sources provided. First, I support the idea that culture is the main driving force in society that controls human behaviors and lives. It is also undeniable that culture is invisible for those who swim in it because they consider it normal practices learned through life. Therefore, one society’s culture can only be noticed by outsiders who consider the practices as unaccepted and weird. One question I found unanswered from both sources is how different cultures came into existence and their essence. Finally, the information presented in both sources helps us understand why people from specific societies do things differently.


Samovar, L., Porter, R., McDaniel, E., & Roy, C. (2015). Communication between cultures (9th ed., pp. 37-65). Cengage Learning.

Everybody’s ethnic. (2022). Kanopy. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Everybody’s Ethnic: Communication Between Cultures." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everybodys-ethnic-communication-between-cultures/.


StudyCorgi. "Everybody’s Ethnic: Communication Between Cultures." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everybodys-ethnic-communication-between-cultures/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Everybody’s Ethnic: Communication Between Cultures." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everybodys-ethnic-communication-between-cultures/.

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