Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study


Self-care is one of the fundamental aspects of the nursing theory, as it ensures that patients will be able to manage their health conditions. At the same time, the inability to perform these actions might have a negative impact on clients. The selected paper by Sun, Doran, Wodchis, and Peter (2017) is devoted to this essential concept and specific factors associated with it. The pivotal aim of this research is to examine the existing correlation between home care clients’ therapeutic self-scores and the frequency and severity of adverse effects (Sun et al., 2017). The given purpose has a high practical value as one of the approaches to improve the health of the nation and reduce readmission rate presupposes educating patients about the management of their diseases.

Main body

The article rests on a solid theoretical basis that encompasses some ideas fundamental for the modern nursing theory. Sun et al. (2017) introduce the concept of self-care, which should be measured in the course of the research to determine its impact on the state of the older population. They describe it as an aspect “encompassing a broad set of practices that individuals perform on their own behalf for the purposes of maintaining quality of life” (Sun et al., 2017, para. 12).

This phenomenon has a positive impact on the variation and frequency of adverse events that occur to patients at homes. For this reason, accepting the important role of self-care in various settings, the authors want to measure this concept and discuss factors that can be associated with it.

The purpose of the paper implies the use of a specific methodology, Sun et al. (2017) employ a retrospective cohort design to analyze the prevalence and types of effects that were correlated with home-care clients’ ability to perform self-care procedures. The adherence to this model helps investigators to collect information about the target population and conclude about the existence of the positive effects attained due to the improvement of self-care skills. The sample consists of the group of home-care clients who received support from the community and had various knowledge about methods that can be used at homes to manage their states.

Having conducted the study, the authors come to the conclusion that self-care plays a critical role in the improvement of the state of patients. It helps to support the safety of home-care clients, and high levels of therapeutic self-care ability can serve as a protective factor preventing the emergence of adverse effects among this cohort of patients (Sun et al., 2017). Accepting the fact that this theory is fundamental for the modern nursing sphere, these findings possess high practical value.

A clear understanding of the character of the correlation between self-care delivery and desired outcomes can reshape the functioning of health workers and provide them with new methods to assist patients in their recovery.


Altogether, the selected article touches upon a relevant theoretical concept that is widely used in nursing practice. Self-care deficit theory remains a topical issue and is given much attention from specialists because of its ability to create the basis for the improvement of the health of the nation. The authors conduct the research and acquire results that can be used in the healthcare sphere to facilitate the further use of the concept with the primary goal to improve the state of elderly patients and minimize the number of adverse effects that impact them.


Sun, W., Doran, D., Wodchis, W., & Peter, E. (2017). Examining the relationship between therapeutic self-care and adverse events for home care clients in Ontario, Canada: A retrospective cohort study. BMC Health Services Research, 17(206). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 10). Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study.

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StudyCorgi. "Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study." July 10, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study." July 10, 2021.

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