Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice

Several actions can be taken for a client to understand the elements of self-care. These include clear verbal communication, ensuring the comprehension of the instructions, being creative by using illustrations, clarifying, and questioning the clients. Clear communication is always the first action taken, and it involves explaining the matters to clients by use of simple words which they can easily understand. Additionally, communication might comprise stories that relate to the health issue under concern. Moreover, confirmation of knowledge should follow after communicating with the patients. This process supposes asking questions about whether the patient has adequate information concerning their health and can easily apply them in their life.

Patients need to be taught in a creative manner for easier understanding. Nurses can employ pictures or diagrams to demonstrate complicated health issues. Patients are regularly persuaded to participate in physical activities such as sports or even attend therapy sessions to boost their health status (Vandewalle et al., 2019). Moreover, electronic devices have been used to assist in health management; for example, a phone app to remind one to drink water regularly is beneficial. Medical practitioners are the source of knowledge and can help create awareness of issues regarding health. Thus, clarification of information is vital, as well as asking clients questions to gauge their understanding.

In my practice, actions regarding clients’ safety are all well-articulated. Yet, I would have made a few changes in my approach to gauging the understanding of clients. Patients have a different ways of comprehending and responding to questions based on their health issues. To ensure patients have a better experience, the first step would be to group them according to their health status and give them questionnaires to respond to as a group. As a result, working in groups will enhance the level of understanding and build the patients’ self-confidence.

Next, I have often recommended a variety of community resources to the patients. These include Community Health Centres and mobility clinics such as walkers, sexual and health consultations, and school-based programs to promote patients’ health. Community-based resources offer a plethora of services to the community members, which assist them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle free from frequent sickness. Thus, sexual and health consultation helps community members make sound decisions regarding improving their living standards and making health objectives.

It can be inferred that mobility clinics are vital resources to the community if there is an emergency, especially during night hours. The availability of mobile clinics and medical practitioners makes it easier for patients under critical conditions to get the required services on time. Research done by medical specialists confirmed that caring for patients would be best if the patient is treated at the right time, and thus more minor health hazards will be witnessed (Monaro et al., 2021). School-based programs promote awareness among community members regarding global issues in health. Hence, community members should be educated on the various ways to prevent obvious health issues like lifestyle diseases.

A well-known form of ensuring that patients acquire the proper care is installing an interdisciplinary team that collaborates with relevant medics, such as physicians and social workers in a healthcare facility. Members of the multidisciplinary team offer palliative care, ensuring patients’ satisfaction by providing them with the proper care and specializing their services so as to work on the medical tasks in which they are professionals (Fernando & Hughes, 2019). Sharing knowledge among the team members is prominent to guarantee the patients receive the necessary care and attention. The exchange of information is vital in caring for the aged prone to chronic diseases as well. Therefore, the role of the interdisciplinary team is to collaborate and contribute to their services for improving the health of the patients. In turn, a healthcare manager with good team knowledge helps place the right specialists in the right interdisciplinary group to promote productivity.


Fernando, G. V. M. C., & Hughes, S. (2019). Team approaches in palliative care: a review of the literature. International journal of palliative nursing, 25(9), 444-451.

Monaro, S., Pinkova, J., Ko, N., Stromsmoe, N., & Gullick, J. (2021). Chronic wound care delivery in wound clinics, community nursing and residential aged care settings: a qualitative analysis using Levine’s Conservation Model. Journal of clinical nursing, 30(9-10), 1295-1311.

Vandewalle, J., Beeckman, D., Van Hecke, A., Debyser, B., Deproost, E., & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). ‘Promoting and preserving safety and a life‐oriented perspective’: A qualitative study of nurses’ interactions with patients experiencing suicidal ideation. International journal of mental health nursing, 28(5), 1122-1134.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice." November 30, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/explaining-self-care-to-patient-in-nursing-practice/.


StudyCorgi. "Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice." November 30, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/explaining-self-care-to-patient-in-nursing-practice/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Explaining Self-Care to Patient in Nursing Practice." November 30, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/explaining-self-care-to-patient-in-nursing-practice/.

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