ExxonMobil Firm’s Internal Environment

ExxonMobil’s products can be considered highly valuable due to the increased diversity thereof, as well as the increased profitability of the organization. Its current reputation, highly effective PR approach, and the use of valuable resources for its products make ExxonMobil a highly lucrative organization, which, in turn, defines the value of the firm and the items that it manufactures. Therefore, the level of ExxonMobil’s value both in the local market and on the global scale is notably high.


As for the extent of the company’s product rarity, the rates thereof are significantly lower compared to its value discussed above. Indeed, even though ExxonMobil’s current performance levels are sufficiently high to place it at the top of the global industry, it still needs to face a large number of competitors that have been growing over the past decade. For this reason, ExxonMobil’s current product rarity rate is admittedly low (Supran & Oreskes, 2021). Despite a highly diversified production framework, ExxonMobil still has to operate in the context where most organizations seek to manufacture the same items to meet the target audience’s needs accordingly.


Although ExxonMobil’s products and resources can be recreated, as the example of its multiple competitors proves, the efforts to imitate them still prove to take a substantial toll on companies (ExxonMobil, 2022). The observed phenomenon occurs mostly due to the expensive nature of the raw materials, which makes ExxonMobil a company that is quite difficult to imitate.


Finally, the careful use of the available resources, including financial ones, allows ExxonMobil to create the organizational context that serves as a massive competitive advantage. The level of organization within the company makes it a perfectly functional firm that can boast a highly effective model for resource arrangement and allocation. Thus. The extent of the organization of ExxonMobil can be deemed as outstandingly high.


ExxonMobil. (2022). Who we are. ExxonMobil. Web.

Supran, G., & Oreskes, N. (2021). Rhetoric and frame analysis of ExxonMobil’s climate change communications. One Earth, 4(5), 696-719. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "ExxonMobil Firm’s Internal Environment." March 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/exxonmobil-firms-internal-environment/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "ExxonMobil Firm’s Internal Environment." March 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/exxonmobil-firms-internal-environment/.

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