Issues Experiencing by the Belgium Brewery


The idea of the New Belgium Brewing Company (NBB) was founded by Jeff Lebesch an electrical engineer. Since then the business has been experiencing some issues when performing its daily duties. These matters include environmental problems, social responsibility, and the B Corp Certification. These concerns have contributed to the lagging of the business in terms of growth and development. This case study is going to identify and analyze the stated issue in the Belgium Brewery.

Environmental Issue

The main topic that has raised concern in the New Belgium Brewery is the environmental issue. The New Belgium Craft Brewery is increasingly mindful of its impact on the environment and is worried about long-term conservation. NBB works hard to resolve environmental issues such as energy consumption by the use of a power system, producing beer with as little water as possible, and reprocessing the majority of their residues (Frankowska et al., 2019). The environmental delinquent hampers the profitability and productivity of the business. There has been the question of how to access a cost-effective energy saving option to lessen and carry out a conservational matter. Strategies to be used to enhance the reusing and recycling of waste products to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to people residing near the company has also been a subject to the NBB.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is the second issue with Belgium Brewery affecting its operation. It is widely viewed as the best act for establishing a high reputation and marketability, as well as gaining a competitive edge in the market. Other breweries have posed a significant challenge to the NBB organization. In terms of market share, NBB was still unable to compete with market leaders such as the Sierra Nevada and Boston Beer Co. It was even discovered that NBB had to uphold a relationship with the customer as well as social responsibility, and also struggle to make the beer brands preferable in the industry. NBB’s main challenge is to improve sales records, reduce waste, and increase energy utilization, among other things (Yasar et al., 2021). It has been observed that NBB needs collaboration in an attempt to lessen significant environmental impacts with increased sales and profits in particular.

B Corp Certification

B Corp certification was the last issue that affected how Belgium Brewery performed its operations. It was based on the idea behind solving environmental and social problems by use of power. This Corp certification consisted of both benefits and risks to the NBB. The first benefit was that verification from the third revelry would give the business an opportunity to converse to its clients and the greater corporate society the company’s value. The second benefit was that the company could manage, identify and make progress through the process of assessment which would make the company meet important objectives through benchmarks and B Corp metrics. The last importance was NBB would be a portion of a greater corporate society with similar values and goals. This would ultimately lead to the Corp joining an association promoting more shareholder capitalism and humanistic business methodologies.

In addition, this issue of the B Corp Certification process would involve a lot of questions about the operations and governance of the company. This happened during client and employees interviews, the investigation into the company’s hiring practices, inspectors’ random visits, and during legal document revisions. There was also worry as Wallace noticed the rigor of the procedure and doubted whether it was valued all the power (Walker & laporte, 2017). This issue would prevent share in the firm down the road in case financiers became reluctant to pay the premium required.


In conclusion, it can be deduced that Belgium Brewery has lagged behind due to the problems it is facing. The environmental issue is the key problem that the company faces and an immediate measure need to be taken. The company also needs to look for alternatives and recommendations that can aid in solving the above issues. By finding solutions to the issues the company will be able to emerge at the top being the best brewery company.


Frankowska, A., Jeswani, H., & Azapagic, A. (2019). Environmental sustainability issues in the food-energy-water nexus in the UK vegetables sector: Energy and water consumption. Energy Procedia, 161, 150-156.

Walker, K, & laporte, T. (2017). New Belgium Brewing Company and B Corporation certification. Ivey Business Publishing. Web.

Yasar, A., Sadiq, K., Tabinda, A., Ghaffar, A., Rasheed, R., & Iqbal, A. (2021). Gasification of mixed waste at high temperature to enhance the syngas efficiency and reduce gaseous emissions and tar production. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-10.

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