Family and Systemic Consultations: The Genogram as a Helpful Tool

There is a significant difference between a systems approach to counseling and an intrapsychic theory that defines the fundamental foundations of therapy. First of all, within the systemic or family approach framework, several people partake in the sessions at once (Madison, 2022). On the other hand, only one person participates in intrapsychic consultations, communicating with a specialist. Due to such features, the second main difference is formed – the focus of the sessions and the issues discussed in them (Madison, 2022). Individual therapy involves solving private problems by analyzing the psychological state of a person. The family approach involves participants discussing either the situation of one of the family members, which relatives help them deal with, or examining general issues related to system relationships.

One of my main goals in consultations is to help society and create a healthier environment for living. From my perspective, the systems method is much better suited for this than the application of intrapsychic theory. When using the latter technique, assistance is provided to only one person. Moreover, within the framework of such therapy, it is physically impossible to solve some problems, for example, those closely related to society. Even if a person goes through treatment, the issue they had may be transferred to someone else in the system. Thus, the situation will improve very little and perhaps not for a very long time. On the other hand, the consultant can interact with the system on a larger scale when using a systematic approach. Within the framework of such therapy, if it is successful, a healthy unit of society will be formed, which will affect the community more significantly than helping one person.

After reviewing the syllabus, it’s hard for me to say which activities will correlate best with the designated goal. However, the task related to genograms attracted my attention the most. The very concept of combining the picture of relationships within the family and family medical history is exciting and promising (TherapyVideos, 2016). Such an interdisciplinary approach can reveal many interesting connections, so I believe that such an assignment can help me identify sources of problems within the family. Thus, family and systemic consultations will be carried out more effectively and with additional insights. From my perspective, the genogram can be a helpful tool in social work or counseling.


Madison, N. (2022). What are the differences between individual and family therapy? The Health Board.

TherapyVideos. (2016). Genogram definition and how they can help you understand your family patterns [Video]. YouTube.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Family and Systemic Consultations: The Genogram as a Helpful Tool." May 17, 2023.

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