A detailed analysis of a given family is an evidence-based practice for understanding its unique challenges and informing the best solutions. Different races in American society have encountered a wide range of issues that have dictated the goals and aims of their members. The book Ethnicity and Family Therapy provides meaningful concepts and ideas that can guide human services professionals and healthcare workers to meet the needs of different citizens. This paper gives a detailed description of the book and explains how my family’s dynamics will continue to influence or affect my life.
Brief Outline
In the chapter “African American Families”, the author introduces African Americans as individuals who originate from different backgrounds. They occupy diverse economic statuses, geographical locations, and cultural positions. Over the two centuries, members of this race have been forced to implement practical strategies in an attempt to cope with discrimination and racism. Descendants of slaves experienced different obstacles and opportunities as members of American society. For instance, they encountered different forms of oppression, including abuse, disfranchisement, and denial of liberties (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005).
They have been victims of the social disparities, thereby being unable to receive quality education and health support. The majority of them have been forced to live in poverty. Fortunately, a large percentage has been able to access quality education and new job opportunities in the recent past. While the life expectancy of these individuals remains low, their strong family roles and kinship bonds support their goals.
The concept of role flexibility makes it possible for grandparents to support child upbringing and even provide financial support. Other relatives and friends can offer health support and legal representation services. Gender roles and relationships among couples are trends that have improved the survival of members of this population. Men can raise children on their women while women remain religious. The gender ratio is also skewed since women live longer in this race.
Challenges of racism contribute to the current level of relationship stress in families (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The existence of the three-generational system is a major source of strength for African Americans. Therapists should, therefore, consider these cultural issues and bonds when working with subjects from the culture. They have to help and consider new ways of enhancing their emotional and physical strengths.
How the McGoldrick Chapter Evidences
Most of the issues McGoldrick describes in this chapter are evident or noticeable in my family. First, the idea of a family bond is real since my relatives, grandparents, and great-grandparents have managed to stay together. The older members teach and guide the young ones in their lives and make it easier for them to achieve their potential. Such a practice has made it easier for us to pursue most of our goals diligently and efficiently (Bowser, 2017). Second, the concept of gender roles described in the chapter echoes the trends and practices observed in my family. For instance, my father was always ready to take good care of us throughout our childhood. Similarly, I play instrumental roles in order to raise my daughter effectively.
Third, religion has been a major source of strength in extended families. My grandparents and parents pursue spiritual goals and pray frequently to receive God’s intervention. This practice continues to form a critical part of African American society. Next, the life experiences and past challenges recorded in my family are a clear indication that racism is a major barrier to the success of African Americans. Members of this community have faced numerous challenges over the years (Bowser, 2017). Such attributes explain why my grandparents used to work as laborers or lacked formal jobs. Nonetheless, they remained focused and worked hard to overcome the problems of poverty.
At last, members of this race have been able to receive additional opportunities in the recent past. The chapter indicates that some people have been empowered academically. The acquisition of education has become a reality for such individuals (Kennedy, 2010). Personally, I am focusing on this new trend to complete my education and eventually pursue my career goals diligently. This analysis is, therefore, a clear indication that the author has managed to provide meaningful pieces of evidence that are noticeable in my immediate extended family.
Counselor: Applying the Information
The information presented in the studied chapter can guide therapists and counselors to make superior decisions when working with clients from the selected cultural group. Cases of poverty, discrimination, poor living conditions, and missed opportunities are evident in this race. Such professionals should begin by digging deeper to understand the real issues and past challenges that members of the intended family might have gone through in the past (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005).
Such a practice is essential since many African Americans have encountered harsh economic times and low-income levels. Consequently, they tend to consider the role of clinics and pharmacies as the primary source of medical support for mental illnesses. This kind of knowledge will prepare the professional and ensure that he or she does not complicate the situation.
Communication remains a major challenge since many members of this population might not be eloquent or willing to pass the intended message across. For example, some older members of the African American society might not have received a basic education. This is a clear indication that they will remain nonresponsive and affect the intended outcomes (Salter et al., 2018). The inclusion of other family members is an evidence-based practice that counselors need to take seriously if they are to record positive results. Failure to consider such aspects will affect the success of the counseling process.
The disadvantages many African Americans have gone through in the past can result in burnout among counselors. This is possible since they might be unresponsive and unwilling to be fully involved. A counselor from a different cultural group will face the challenge of rejection. These aspects explain why there is a need for such workers to exercise caution to avoid such a potential outcome (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The chapter goes further to propose the utilization of a team treatment approach or model since it will neutralize such possibilities and eventually deliver positive results.
The use of ethnocentric health services and approaches will guide more practitioners to avoid any form of complacency. They will focus on the sociopolitical, cultural, and traditional realities associated with members of this community (Salter et al., 2018). They can consider new ways of uplifting the intended subjects since they have experienced institutional racism for many years. The concept of diversity needs to become the best principle for focusing on the needs of different individuals and providing genuine support. Such a model will present a new form and ensure that more beneficiaries are empowered to become successful members of the wider society.
McGoldrick’s chapter has presented several insights that echo most of my experiences and outcomes as an African American. For instance, I have grown up in a dominant African American society where issues of racism and discrimination are unavailable. Learning in such an environment has been promising and capable of supporting my educational needs (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). I have managed to interact with a small number of people from other racial groups. Such an achievement means that I will be able to work in different settings as a mental health professional in the future. The chapter supports the fact that many people from this cultural group are presently empowered and able to receive a high-quality education. This achievement will make it possible for me to pursue additional career goals in the future.
The support and guidance I have received from my grandparents and parents resonate with the family bond described in the studied chapter. All members of my extended family have remained involved and willing to offer evidence-based insights that can make me successful. These dynamics continue to encourage and empower me to remain focused in order to eventually realize my maximum potential (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The support gained from my parents remains instrumental in guiding and making it easier for me to think deeper. It will be necessary to pursue additional ideas and insights that will eventually support my aims in life.
My grandparents were laborers who earned very little but still remained focused in their lives. As descendants of poor and oppressed slaves, it has been necessary for all members of my immediate family to work hard and focus on new ways of improving their life experiences (Causadias & Korous, 2019). Collaboration has become an essential practice to ensure that positive results are recorded. It will always be necessary to look back and acquire additional ideas in order to move forward.
Addressing Issues: Lessons Gained
The dynamics and realities recorded in my family portray the diverse history and challenges that members of the African American culture have gone through. Using the case of my relatives, it is evident that social discrimination and unavailability of opportunities are major challenges that have made it impossible for them to record meaningful social mobility. The best way to deal with this issue is to remain focused and consider additional ways of improving our economic positions. I decided to attend college and consider new skills that would eventually make me successful in life.
The establishment of a family fund becomes an evidence-based model for being prepared for possible challenges and problems that might arise in the future. This approach will become a reminder of the issues many people have encountered, such as the inability to acquire high-quality education (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The members can go further to pursue their spiritual goals and become more religious. This practice is informed by the norms and values of the African American community.
Social workers and human services professionals providing mental support to this family will have to consider most of the issues described in the selected chapter. This approach will make it easier for them to think deeply and establish teams that can deliver positive results (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The involvement of all family members throughout the process will become a powerful tool for achieving meaningful results.
The class readings and materials have managed to present useful ideas and insights that will guide me in the future. The first lesson is that African Americans have encountered numerous challenges in the past (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). This development has made it hard for them to achieve meaningful results in their lives. The second one is that people should stop focusing on their past experiences and consider new ways for uplifting themselves and overcoming the challenges of poverty (Hines & Boyd-Franklin, 2005). The third outstanding message is that all members of the community should get rid of discrimination and racism since such malpractices only threaten the success of societies. Finally, professionals should formulate culturally competent models if they are to understand their clients’ unique challenges and eventually provide high-quality support.

This Genogram gives a detailed summary of my life. It reveals that we are six in our family. I have three brothers and two sisters. I currently have a daughter. My mother is called Marion while the name of my father is Geraldine M. The Genogram reveals that my age is 41 years (see Figure 1). The diagram goes further to reveal that my grandparents on either side passed away several years ago. My objective is to work hard to improve my competencies and support my daughter in order to become a responsible and successful person in my future life.
The above discussion has outlined some of the challenges and obstacles different members of the African American community have experienced in the United States. The studied chapter has gone further to examine some of the trends and practices that define the nature of this culture. The described attributes echo the issues, connections, and developments that have been recorded in my family. Such descriptions and ideas can guide social workers and counselors working with subjects from this cultural group.
Bowser, B. P. (2017). Racism: Origin and theory. Journal of Black Studies, 48(6), 572-590. Web.
Causadias, J. M., & Korous, K. M. (2019). Racial discrimination in the United States: A national health crisis that demands a national health solution. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(2), 147-148. Web.
Hines, P. M., & Boyd-Franklin, N. (2005). African American families. In M. McGoldrick, J. Giordano, & N. Garcia-Preto (Eds.), Ethnicity and Family Therapy (3rd ed., pp. 87-99). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Kennedy, V. (2010). Genograms. MAI Review, 3(1), 1-13.
Salter, P. S., Adams, G., & Perez, M. J. (2018). Racism in the structure of everyday worlds: A cultural-psychological perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 150-155. Web.