Family Table Restaurant’s Mass Media Advertising

Our small advertising firm was started in 2019 and has had the chance to work with several clients who have rated our services positively. The firm started with ten employees but with time the number has increased to twenty-five and we are aspiring to have more staff members as the company grows. Our firm specializes in organizing and implementing marketing plans according to our clients’ requests and specifications. Delivering high-quality services has been the number one priority for the advertising firm. With the experience gained over the years, the advertising firm is in its best form to handle the marketing campaign for the regional restaurants to ensure that its customers are aware of the new changes. The advertising firm is ready to work with the regional restaurant to achieve the best results.

Advertising Script and Slogan

Over the years, Family Table restaurant has been widely known for its burgers and fries but the restaurant seeks to ensure that its customers have other delicacies to enjoy. Customers to the restaurant will have a wide range of food products to choose from according to their taste. The restaurant seeks to introduce beef, chicken, BBQ pork, vegetables, and breakfast items for its customers. Family Table will ensure that the foods are of good quality by sourcing them from its farms in Illinois and Indiana. The slogan that the restaurant will use when promoting the new venture is “Family Table has never been this good.”

Media Plan

Television is one of the media that will be used by the advertising firm to ensure that Family Table customers know about the changes made to the usual menu. Using television when making an advertisement enhances the likelihood of reaching a large audience since many people have television sets that they watch from time to time. However, the advertising firm has to be careful when choosing the channel to advertise in due to the number of viewers. The channel of choice has to have a large number of viewers who are also likely to be interested in the foods to be offered by Family Table. Advertising on television is also likely to influence purchasing decisions within the target audience since people are more likely to trust information from the television than from any other media type. This is because television allows the use of visuals and audio in an advertisement which enables the demonstration of products being marketed and an explanation of their benefits. ‘

Another media that will be used in promoting the new foods being added to the menu by Family Table restaurant is radio. Radio advertisements are more effective since they are audio-based therefore one does not have to worry about bad camera work which might end up creating a negative perception about products under promotion. Radio also offers a cost-effective method of advertising when compared to other media such as television. The costs incurred in the production of radio advertisements are relatively low since there is no need to hire people to create them. Radio advertisements are also likely to reach a huge audience since many people listen to radio hence a great possibility of influencing buying decisions.

Social media will also be another great channel that the advertising firm will rely on when marketing the new changes that Family Table has made to its menu. Social media platforms are effective for marketing campaigns since they have a high number of active users hence helping to reach a wide customer audience. Social media also requires low entry costs when compared to other media used for advertising. In this case, the various platforms can be useful when one is working under a tight budget but still wants to achieve success. Another benefit that comes with using various social media platforms for advertisements is that they support a wide range of formats. In this case, the advertising company has the creative freedom and chance to use endless tactics when designing the marketing content.

Media Budget

Since Family Table has a $100000 budget to facilitate the marketing campaign the money has to be subdivided to cover the costs of production and adverting on the different media. At first, the advertising firm will focus on producing content to be used in advertising on television. The firm seeks to rely on its production team to come up with the television advertisement therefore the cost is projected to be about $3000. Paying for an advertisement on television will depend on the number of viewers and the length of the advert. A thirty-second commercial on television is projected to cost about $5 per one thousand viewers. If each advertisement has about one hundred thousand viewers the advertising firm will pay about five hundred dollars each time the commercial appears on television. The estimated cost for producing and running the advertisement on television for six months is about $50000.

The cost of producing the commercial for radio is estimated to be about $1500 while also including elements such as music and editing. The cost of running the advertisement on the radio will be $500 per week. In this case, the total cost of producing and running the commercial on radio for six months is estimated to be $25000. The cost of advertising on various social media platforms is about $10 per one thousand impressions. The costs of advertising on social media will vary according to the number of platforms used but are expected to be around $25000 for the six months.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 23). Family Table Restaurant’s Mass Media Advertising.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Family Table Restaurant’s Mass Media Advertising." April 23, 2023.

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