This short report reveals the problem effecting crime map which is the project of Metropolitan Police Department. This is mainly covering the district people and hence has not been found to be of much use for students and residents. It is proposed to overcome this shortcoming by taking simple precautionary measures, such as by making a tool of quick mapping of general information on crime incidents, service requests, public space permits, building permits and schools. (Redden, 2008).
The major factor that heralded in the second industrial revolution can be said to be the introduction of computers. Man invented many electronic devices, but the computer has made greater impact on the society than any other single device. Computers have helped automation of many industrial, commercial and business systems since they can store and process a huge amount of data. Now an automated system has a major role when considering Crime Map project. A computerized Crime Map will greatly help in managing and dealing with the crimes which are occurring in different areas. Crime Map had been done by using the language ASP. There are various limitations when one is working with this language. Now in proposed system we are going to do the language in ASP.NET. (Metropolitan police department, (n.d)). is the most popular website which we can use to search the crimes in DC mainly about the District circle. Here, we can search the crimes through address, geographical area and by the district name.
One can search the data by way of distance like 500, 1000 and 1500 or between the particular distances also. One can search the data within a particular time range such as last 30 days, last 60 days, last one year or from the starting of the year to a particular date of this year. Here, after searching the details you can view the crime type, number of crimes that have occurred between particular dates, percentage change of crime with previous year also. Then, if you want to view map of particular place you can view it by just clicking view map and you can find out the exact place and the type of crime also. So, it is easy to understand where the exact incident or crime took place and what the particular crime is. If you want to download information on the particular crime you can make it by just clicking Download crime data and can make it through excel sheet. After searching all these details you will get information on different types of crimes such as homicide, sex abuse, robbery excluding gun, robbery with gun, assault with dangerous weapon excluding gun and it includes total violent crime such as burglary, theft, stolen auto etc.
Here you can find out about the theft which occurred at a particular time with all the details. By using this site you can find out occurrence of a crime within a particular area or space such as 500, 1000, 1500. So you have a record of how many crimes occurred during a particular time. So, a person, who wishes to have more information about the crime can view the map and can make it in excel sheet. All these facilities are made available in this site. So, it is very useful for ordinary people to use it efficiently and effectively.
Background and Purpose
Crime map project made by the authority for searching the details of crimes by the way of map and through statistics is already available. However, here, a lot of problems have been faced and it is not properly secured. So we propose to make a new site taking into account the problems and shortcomings experienced till now and with steps to overcome them. The salient features are explained here.
Statement of the Problem
In spite of all these advantages, Crime Map has certain problems. Crime map is mainly focused on the district people and so one can search for crimes committed in the district. So, students or others searching for information have no way to find about a particular crime. This has been a major disadvantage. Another important problem is that it cannot search the crime incidents divisionally. If one were to look for information about a crime which occurred in a particular place it is not possible to obtain this quickly through crime map. So, one cannot access information through this site at places like schools, colleges, or other public places..
Other main problem of crime map is that sometimes victim will not be interested that the information on crime of him/her is made available to the public. For example, a person who committed a sex abuse will not obviously be happy to see this being displayed for. public gaze. This is due to a false perception among the public that such situation can cause danger to the society and to the particular person. Another shortcoming of the crime map is that it is not possible to find out the exact location, viz. building etc. where the crime was committed. Another problem is that through crime map, the potential offender may know or understand which the crime mapped area is and they are trying to make crime the other area within a particular time.
This type of offense makes the situation tough for the authorities. Another side effect of crime map is that, the crime mapped area’s rate of property will be low and the insurance rate will be high. So, average people like taxi drivers, service people etc. may be sometimes hesitant to go to the particular place and buy such property. So, it is another important problem of crime map. Still another problem of crime map is that sometimes viewers are not in a position to understand the data in a proper manner because of the complex position of map. The viewer may make a wrong interpretation and his opinion about particular crime may be false. It is also possible that the crime map may not be complete, as, sometimes victim may not be ready to report an offense because of privacy involved. So, all the information is not revealed in crime map.
One can offer various solutions to these problems. Here Crime Map is used mainly for finding out the crime within the district. So, if we are making new map for finding out the crime you can search the crime in public schools, colleges, public place. This way you can easily find out the various crimes which occurred in service For better safety of the crime site it has to establish firewall to protect the entire website. By making firewall we can protect our computer or site from virus or screen out hackers or from other worms. Thus, we can easily find out if the hacker is coming or checking the information from the site. So, if you are connected with internet, the hackers can access your personal information without your knowledge and website information also. Another solution for protection of this site is that, we can make separate server or database for internet data or maps. So, if we are making separate server or database the department can access the data internally. Hence, if the department person is checking the data it is going to particular server because they are searching with their particular id. So, it has a better advantage to make the protection efficient and effective. Here, if public is searching the particular crime it is going to another database or server and if the department or authority is searching the crimes it is going to the particular database or specific database. So, there is no connection between these two databases.
There are also problems connected with privacy of victims. For overcoming this type of problems the authorities usually give false names and address of victims. This way, privacy of a person is protected and he or she does not face embarrassment in public.. Another solution of above problem is using security-checking software. Security-checking software involves before starting a website there should be good planning about different type of security. The security aspects involve questions like from whom it is being protected, what type of security has to be made and what type of data should be secured. Such issues need to be analyzed thoroughly. For this purpose, first it has to check different data such as pin code or other information for blocking. So, it will be easy to protect data from unauthorized persons. Another solution is that it has to make some password protection and has to make firewalls. Through password protection accessing of website by the authorized person or specified person has to be made. For introducing a thorough security, before starting the website preparation the authority has to engage well trained personnel for finding out the weakness of security. After making the website also, the trained personnel have to test the site to see whether some hackers or others made entry to the website. (Wartell, & McEwen, 2001).
In the Graph 1 One will get more clarification about the crimes. This is for normal understanding which occurred in DC. The given graph, compares the different crimes occurred in the years between the years 2001 to 2007.

According to the graph in the year 2001 around 1250 crimes reported. Like that even normal person also can find out easily how many crimes occurred in the particular year. In the given graph the exact benefit is that within a short time one can get more information. Through pictorial representation one can easily understand the difference and structure of the particular data. According to the given graph one can get the details of crimes and number of crimes which occurred within a specific year.
In Graph 2 one can easily find out the difference between 2006 and 2007 by separate crimes. Even normal person can find out how many rape, robbery, residential burglary, vehicle burglary etc. can find out easily.

So, in the given graph mainly one can find out the difference between the year 2006 and 2007. So, through this graph one can easily identify different crimes which occurred in different year. Through the given graph for better understanding, for the two years different color is given. Like wise if we want to compare different years we can easily do this by giving different colors to different years. By the given graph the person can not only understand about the crime, but also one is able to understand what are the crimes which occurred in a particular year. So, in crime map one is able to search all the crimes in district circle. But in proposed system one can search the crimes which occurred in schools, colleges or as a public servant. If one wants to find out a particular information in graph form that is also easily possible.
Overview of Methods
We used various methods such as online, books and periodicals. Through online searching one made abstract form for this. Here one got through the site crime map and found the benefits and problems of this. After that we went through the particular site of crime map and selected various crimes to arrive at solutions. After that we went through online book and found various problems of this site and solutions for that.
Scope and Limitation of the report
Here we are going to describe the problems and solutions for this crime map project and it is apprehended that in future there could be limitations. If more than one person uses the site there can be more problems. The scope of this project is up to certain place in which searching fields which we made. But if we want to search more than the existing project we have to elaborate project according to public requirement.
Research Methods
We mentioned about site crime map currently in use and analyzed it to make another site related to crime map which has more option than the crime map which we discussed above. Before we decide to have an idea of making a new site management recommendations should made about all the plans properly. After reviewing the information, we made an idea of using the software, hardware and database required for this project. It was after all this information was analyzed that the decision to create the new site was finalized by us.
Software comparison
In the previous crime map project the software used was as asp; in the new project we are going to use asp.net. There are a few differences between ASP and ASP.NET. ASP means Active Server Page. ASP.Net is the powerful web page designing technology, which makes the proposed system more flexible and user friendly than crime map. ASP.Net which works under the. Net framework is the infrastructure for the Microsoft. Net platform.. Net frame work’s main component, known as Common Language Runtime (CLR), makes ASP.Net more flexible and compatible than any other web designing technologies. It is used for building, deploying and running web services and web applications.
Another important feature of ASP.Net and Net framework is Language Interoperability. It can work with different languages like C++, C#, Visual Basic and Java Script. Its simple design techniques and Object Oriented features make it more efficient than other web designing tools and for that same reason ASP.Net is used for the development of the proposed system. The business logic or code behind the page is using C# language. C# is specially developed for. Net framework. It is the combination of C++ and Visual Basic language. The OOP concepts of C++ and the design techniques of Visual basic are available in C#. (Pal & Indrapal, 2004).
The crime map was designed using ASP. The advantages of ASP.NET over ASP are:
- ASP is not truly object oriented and it uses top-down programming style. But ASP.NET is object oriented.
- ASP is limited to using either the visual basic or JavaScript languages. But in ASP.NET you can use many languages to write your code
- All variables in ASP is not strictly typed. But in ASP.NET all variables are strictly typed. (Difference between asp and asp.net, 2009).
The results of our study determined that we have to create new site for overcoming the problems of crime map. ASP is found to be not the ideal software to do the project because of its speed and efficiency, so we could better do the project in ASP.NET. All the problems mentioned above in the crime map could be overcome by using solutions created in ASP.NET
Crime map is perfect site for searching the crimes in district circle with different areas. This site is considered as best site for searching crime for easily understanding and for clear view. But there are some drawbacks for this issue. The proposed system is developed with ASP.NET with C# and MS SQL SERVER. The system has considered all these drawbacks and has tried to rectify them also with a focus on factors like simplicity, security and privacy.
Since ASP.NET is suitable for eliminating the problems, it has been recommended for the work environment of making new website. It has been determined through searching through online and we came to the conclusion that we can continue the project with this software technology. We can use ASP.NET with SQL SERVER and it is better technology to overcome the problems that occurred in crime map.
Difference between asp and asp.net. (2009). Askville by Amazon. Web.
Metropolitan police department: Search for crimes. (n.d). Web.
Pal, Susheel., & Indrapal, Mudhranthakm. (2004). Interoperability of J2ee and asp.net. Web.
Redden, Molly. (2008). Crimemap: DC isn’t worth the internet it’s printed on. Georgetownvoice. Web.
Stats part 1 crimes. (n.d). Monetary police department. Web.
Wartell, Julie., & McEwen, Thomas. (2001). Privacy in the information age: A guide fro sharing crime maps and spatial data. CMRC: Crime, Mapping Research Center. Web.