Effective Research: Finding Articles and Organizing Workshops

“Finding Article” Workshop

The workshop under the name “Finding Article” set its prior goal to teach the students to search for the sources, such as articles in periodicals. Since looking for the necessary information is the prior concern of the students, and at times it can be hard to make the things work the way the students want, it is important to remember that basic concept about the search for the necessary article in a scholarly magazine or in a scientific journal.

The skills that the audience gained during the workshop were of utter importance for all those present, and these skills are sure will be used in further research by all the people that were present at the workshop.

The librarian was so kind as to demonstrate the various skills that we might find interesting and useful for using such sources as journal and scientific magazine articles.

One of the most important ones was finding the right material that has to be the ground for future research. As the librarian said, it was one of the major points that made a good paper, for once the source does not correspond directly to the topic of the research, there will be no use to go on with further explorations.

As he claimed, the most successful means to get the necessary materials were three basic means to improve the results of the search.

First, in case you need to narrow the field of the search, it is desirable to add specific words – the keywords that might help to find the most appropriate material.

Then, it is necessary to use the advanced search, which is an improved way of searching for the material.

And finally, there is no other way but to limit the date and the type of resource in case there is too much material provided.

There are times when the results of the search prove insufficient, and unless the student broadens his or her search, hardly anything will be found.

This can be achieved by either limiting the number of keywords in the search field or using the principle of wild card or truncation, which also helps to minimize the number of parameters of the search.

Trying the new method of searching proved that it worked just right. The source materials were easy to find with such guidelines.

Actually, I would gladly recommend this course to any students who experience problems with looking for the necessary material. This workshop will serve as the best way to learn to look for the information that is required.

Personally, I tried using the new methodic, and it appeared a great success. Using the advanced search, I managed to find the sources that were extremely important to me. The keywords that I picked were the notions that underlay the research that I was conducting. Using the date limitation to provide the latest ideas for the paper, I managed to create something that I would never have if I had not undergone this workshop.

“Organize Your Research” Workshop

The workshop that was titled Organize Your Research dealt with the scheme that helped to be productive with the research. It showed how important it was to make good timing, to create the paragraphs that will serve as the guide to the whole research, and to make a profound introduction and show the results of the research.

Speaking about the skills that I have gained during the workshop, I would say that they are so numerous that it will take a whole page just to enumerate them.

First of all, it was very useful to find out about how to use the appropriate sources which have already been found.

The next step that had to be taken was checking if the sources that had been found were credible enough. Using the books that were scientifically based, or the scientific journals and specific magazines, or choosing the Internet sites that could be trusted, was one of the basic things that every single student must know to present a good research paper.

We were also told not to hesitate to ask for help when it was needed and to plan the future paper thoroughly.

The next stop for us was the explanation of how to choose a good topic. Since the topic is the “face” of the paper, and, practically, a basis for it, it must be precise, witty, and manageable.

Selecting the topic, one should remember not to male it too complicated, yet not to simplify it too much. With a clear and precise topic, the research paper will be attractive and strong, and the student will surely be on the halfway to the successful result.

It must also be kept in mind that the research paper must contain a list of the works that have been brushed to present the conclusions.

And finally, one must not forget about the keywords that have to be included in the research paper.

We were also told about including such info as interviews, radio or TV-broadcasts, and verified Internet information into our researches.

Actually, the knowledge that I gained was so important to me that I decided to use everything that I have learned in my future research paper to make it completely perfect. This is the kind of workshop that I would recommend to anyone who wants to improve his or her writing skills.

There was also another thing that I would like to improve, namely the art of style that is needed in the research paper, and I hope to learn that in the new workshop.

The materials that we were given during the workshop included the schemes showing how to organize the research paper, and it seems to me that I will make good use of them, not once.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 30). Effective Research: Finding Articles and Organizing Workshops. https://studycorgi.com/finding-article-and-organizing-research-workshops/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Effective Research: Finding Articles and Organizing Workshops." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/finding-article-and-organizing-research-workshops/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective Research: Finding Articles and Organizing Workshops." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/finding-article-and-organizing-research-workshops/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Effective Research: Finding Articles and Organizing Workshops." December 30, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/finding-article-and-organizing-research-workshops/.

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