Finding Strengths: The Core of Inner Resilience

Personal introspect as the source of more nuanced knowledge of oneself is crucial for several reasons. Knowing one’s strengths allows one to become a better person and find happiness through personal growth, as well as improvement of relationships with others. Moreover, by discovering individual strengths, one can make impressive accomplishments in a variety of areas, including education, career, and development in a more general sense. Therefore, finding strengths in a broader sense could be seen as a path to self-discovery and continuous improvement. While the specified goal might sound quite vast, simple online tools may help to guide one toward self-discovery and improvement. Specifically, the tool used for this essay has helped me to delineate my personal characteristics, which suggest that I am an Achiever with propensity toward consistency, active use of communication, and the skill to use adaptability, empathy, and positivity. By utilizing the described qualities in a business context to encourage innovation and lead a team toward motivated performance and professional improvement, I will be able to become an effective leader.

As an Achiever, I can set milestones and communicate key goals clearly, following the established plan and meeting expectations, respectively. The described ability will allow me to move forward at a reasonable pace and create achievable plans for further progress. Combined with the need for consistency in routine actions, the outlined characteristics of mine can be viewed as a recipe for effective goal setting and the development of SMART objectives, as well as successful decision-making within a team. Moreover, the described skills will help me to coordinate the actions of participants while communicating the key goals and providing the necessary feedback consistently. The described skills are balanced by empathy, which will allow me to build trust in relationships with team members and promote loyalty among them. Moreover, the focus on empathy will help to ensure that the team, members’ needs are met, which will increase the extent of their motivation and willingness to perform, as well as develop professionally. Indeed, given the existing theories of needs, particularly, Maslow’s hierarchy, offering employees not only basic benefits but also opportunities for future professional development will increase the extent of their performance.

In fact, I have been using the outlined strengths of mine quite effectively already, even though I have not given myself full account of them yet. Namely, in my academic development, I have been determining the key goals rather successfully as an Achiever. Moreover, due to my empathy and the ability to adapt, I have gained quite a number of friends despite having moved several times. Nevertheless, I need to control the discovered skills and abilities better in order to improve them and build a basis for continuous development.

Discovered in the course of online learning and training, the strengths under analysis, namely, adaptability, empathy, and positivity, combined with the focus on achieving goals, will help me to transform the perceptions of team members and guide them toward innovation and improvement. Therefore, for my professional and academic progress, I will have to focus on expanding the existing leadership skills, namely, exploring the opportunities for using communication to encourage development within a team. Moreover, as a future leader, I will also need to accept the notion of incremental development and innovation, thus learning new skills whenever possible and applying them to solve respective problems. Furthermore, I will have to expand my communication skills and use empathy to build positivity to create a comfortable environment for staff members and their transformation.

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