Improving Food Services at Florida National University

Assessing the quality of services provided by a university rarely goes past evaluating the type of knowledge offered to the students. Though knowledge acquisition is doubtlessly the key purpose of a higher educational establishment, it is not the only service that it should provide. Food service is also an integral part of the university system. Unfortunately, food service in the Florida National University (FNU) cafeteria leaves must be desired. Because of extremely poor food quality, as well as unreasonably high prices and very rude staff, the FNU cafeteria needs to be reorganized entirely.

First and foremost, the fact that the food served at the FNU cafeteria is tasteless at best, and disgusting at worst, must be mentioned. Salads are on display all day and, thus, get spoiled very soon. Food is often either undercooked or overcooked, and a lot of products contain tainted meat. To make the situation even worse, the cafeteria staff restricts the students’ choice between poorly cooked food and fast food (Powell 966).

As for the second problem of the FNU cafeteria, one must mention that the FNU students have very little time to buy food and have a snack; as a result, every single minute counts when students buy food in the cafeteria. Unfortunately, the staff does not adhere to the schedule, which results in long lines and a number of students failing to buy a snack. Consequently, many students leave university hungry. The given problem may have huge consequences for the students in terms of their health, particularly a rapid drop of sugar in the blood and the following health concerns (Cryer 362).

The last issue regarding the poor food-related services in the FNU cafeteria may seem insignificant compared with the previous two, yet it also makes the students’ experience rather dissatisfying. When talking to the cafeteria staff, students often face very rude and unwelcoming attitude from the former. The staff is very reluctant to give the students information regarding the contents of the meals, which may lead to dire consequences. For instance, one of the students has recently developed a rapid Quincke’s edema (Nittner-Marszalska, Krasnowska, Solarewicz-Madejek Jedrzejuk, and Szuba 35) because the dish that he consumed contained crushed peanuts.

The aforementioned factors altogether make the FNU cafeteria the lowest common denominator of food services in the vicinity. While one cannot name it the worst food service period, one still must admit that the prices paid by the FNU students do not correlate with either the quality of the food or the cafeteria services. To prevent possible health issues, such as students developing stomach disorders, allergic reactions to the food consumed in the cafeteria, etc., the cafeteria must be either replaced with another service or reorganized completely.

Because of the alarmingly unsanitary conditions, as well as a poor commitment to the established schedule, the despicable attitude of the staff towards the customers, and the ridiculously high prices that the students have to pay for what they would not pay two cents if they had an alternative, the FNU cafeteria must be rearranged. First, it is imperative that the price of the food should correspond to its quality; in other words, the products must be fresh and nutritious, as well as tasty. In addition, seeing how students only have a restricted amount of time for purchasing and eating food during breaks, the speed of the service delivery must be increased. Finally, the staff should be able to provide the students with the relevant information on the food offered on the menu. Unless these changes are made.

Works Cited

Cryer, Philip E. “Mechanisms of Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure in Diabetes.” The New England Journal of Medicine 369.4(2013), 362-372.

Nittner-Marszalska, Marita, Marita Krasnowska, Katarzyna Solarewicz-Madejek, Diana Jedrzejuk and Andrzej Szuba. “Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome: Lymphoscintigraphy-Documented Impairment and Restoration of Facial Lymphatic Drainage in the Course of Disease.” Lymphology 43.1 (2010), 34–41.

Powell, Lisa M. “Fast Food Costs and Adolescent Body Mass Index: Evidence from Panel Data.” Journal of Health Economics 28.5 (2009), 963–970.

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