A sustainable kitchen should be eco-friendly that means the design should be developed to ensure there is not wastage of resources such as electricity, water, food and time when working. There should be high advocacy on recycling the ingredients and creation of stunning design all meant to save the environment. The energy should be efficient in terms of lighting, machinery used to boost some processes. When designing a kitchen, there should be a running and functional tannery that can be sued to dispose all the unwanted items. For instance, when buying appliances that need to be installed in the kitchen, it is important to check the energy star symbol that guarantees energy efficiency.
Kitchen Equipment
Smart refrigerators should be put in place that are able to save energy. It means the refrigerators should have technology that is adjustable to temperature changes in all the fridges in use. There should be built in cameras that will be enabling the user to manage food expiration and minimize wasting food (Stöckli et al., 2018). About the dishwashers, that can save up to 1,000 gallons of water per year is advisable for purchasing. The dishwashers should be customizable such that some options like delayed start and adjustable drying times are functional. All these features ensure that there is cycle notification that can be sent to the dishwasher when there is wastage of energy.

The cooktops and ovens should also be energy-saving such that when in use, it can sustain itself for a moment without power until the energy lowers to a given extend. The gadget should be able to get turned on, preheat and adjusted for temperature usage hence a mean of saving energy. The restaurant should seek to have ovens that are conforming to modern mobile applications that can be controlled with smartphone applications such as Google kitchen device, Amazon Alexa among others (Kim et al., 2021). When these ovens can be regulated by the advanced technology, it is easier to monitor the consumption levels hence energy saving objective is achieved.
The restaurant also considers to have smart plugs in place that will enable regulated cooking that minimizes energy consumption (Kim et al., 2021). Additionally, the restaurant can decide to utilize electric kettles to heat beverages for example, using microwave to heat a cup of water could be effective and also time-saving. The eco-friendly kitchens should be able to have bells and whistles that can communicate when need be. The restaurant should be having smart-security system such as Constellation Connect that is able to monitor and integrate the kitchen devices hence lead to energy saving processes.
Flooring and Wall Covering
The restaurant can ensure that there is Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing (FPIS) that can improve the energy efficiency. The restaurant has a plan to build a remarkable design with a thermal performance on the outside of the building (Stöckli et al., 2018). The insulation has a thickness to accommodate the thermal resistance requirement in the building. Use of FPIS is intended to have an external insulation that is attached as sheathing to steel framing or wood. The restaurant designer must install a board that has a foam plastic material that complies with ASTM C578 such as applicable facers. The restaurant shall meet the required practice level in terms of exterior wall coverings. The ceiling fans saves energy when used along the air conditioners when adjusted on the thermostat.
Solar System in Dining Rooms
There shall be a solar system put in place to ensure that it can boost the energy production especially for the heating requirements in the kitchen, and dining rooms (Kapusta, 2020). In this case, the solar panels shall be installed on the upper part of the restaurant more so in the roofing top. Solar energy will be used to heat water that is used in washing the floors, wiping the equipment and boiling the water for the hot towels.
Kapusta, A. (2020). From an eco-fairy tale to an environmentally friendly lifestyle. An eco-friendly reading project by Agnieszka Marzęcka. Journal Of Education Culture and Society, 3(1), 61-69. Web.
Kim, T., Kim, Y., Liu, X., & Liu, F. (2021). A study of the relationship between eco-friendly hotel characteristics, eco-friendly perceived value, eco-friendly emotional well-being, and eco-friendly behaviour: the mediating effect of eco-friendly perceived value and emotional well- being. Journal Of Tourism Management Research, 25(3), 171-189. Web.
Stöckli, S., Dorn, M., & Liechti, S. (2018). Normative prompts reduce consumer food waste in restaurants. Waste Management, 77(7), 532-536. Web.