Functional Heart Growing: Present and Future

Introduction: The Overview of the Laboratory Technology of Organs Growing

The contemporary medicine provides some miraculous ways of treatment as well as the innovative types of operational interventions, which promote successful recovery in the patients. The latest medical reports overview the progress on the current tendency of organ growing, which allows clinical substitution of infected or dysfunctional organs. The special emphasis is put on the technique of heart cultivating, which has long been questioned by the specialists since they had troubles with the modification of cell structure. Today, both the method of miniature hearts and chamber cultivation are practiced by the advanced medicine, which provides an effective treatment for heart failures.

Creating a Functional Heart in Laboratory Conditions

The notion of a microscopic functional heart implies a small organ, which is originally created from such materials as building blocks and stem cells (Ossola par. 1). The technique was developed once the scientists found a constructive approach the operation cell reshaping. In other words, the doctors have lately learned how to make human stem cells to grow in a correct form, which is suitable so that to be turned in a full-value congregation of chambers (Griffin par. 3). The operation was first experimented by the group of neurologists from Berkeley, which managed to induce cell growing, according to the technique of incorporating regular models into the tissue dishes (Alford par. 8). The experts claim that the innovation is only the first step towards a creation of normal-size hearts, which would rely on a self-renovating cell. The success of tiny hearts functioning is the main issue, which troubles the scientists today since the ability of cultivated cell to sustain a productive life is still not fully tested. According to the practical investigation of grown cells’ efficiency, approximately 15 % of the organs, which are based on the artificial cultivation, provide a turnover in the first year of their functioning (Bergmann, Zdunek, and Felker 1567). Therefore, it is a considerable challenge for the medical specialists to improve the effectiveness of tiny hearts sustention.

The Completion of Heart Chambers

The contemporary treatment solutions allow not only cultivation of small stimulants of heart but the separate chambers of this human organ as well. It is well-known that a big number of children throughout the world are originally born with one half of a heart, which is known under the name of a left-heart syndrome and refers to the specific type of genetic anomalies. Since such reformatted organs lack a full-value left pumping chamber, it is almost impossible to live until the adulthood if the problem is not eradicated. The syndrome was long left without treatment. That is why every case of the disease bore a fatal ending. Today, however, the scientists created a constructive solution, which targets a creation of an additional ventricle, which has an ability to direct the blood to the functioning part of the organ. The extra addition represents a new chamber, which predetermines a quality blood circulation (Winslow par. 6).

Conclusion: The Future of the Organ Growing

The modern scientists claim that the current tendencies of organ growing are not stopped in their development. The mastery of stem cells modification as well as its active cultivation opened up the new opportunities for heart disease syndromes. Currently, for instance, the scientists explore the technique of growing cells from eggs, which can result in the appearance of an abundance of synthetic materials (McGowan par. 6).

Works Cited

Alford, Justine. Tiny Beating Hearts in the Lab. 2015.

Bergmann, Olaf, Sofia Zdunek, and Anastasia Felker. “Dynamics of Cell Generation and Turnover in the Human Heart.” Cell 161.7 (2015): 1566-1575. Print.

Griffin, Andrew. Tiny Working 3D Human Hearts Grown from Nothing – and Other Organs Could Be Coming. 2015. Web.

McGowan, Kat. Scientists Make Progress in Growing Organs from Stem Cells. 2015. Web.

Ossola, Alexandra. Researchers Grow Tiny Beating Human Hearts from Stem Cells. 2015. Web.

Winslow, Ron. The Future of Medicine Is Now. 2015. Web.

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