The presidency of W. Bush was followed by a number of international agreements threatening the laws and obligations; taking into account all consequences and internal destruction the greatest part of the US population calls for George W. Bush’s arrest for all war crimes he participated in and violations made to the national American constitution.

New president of the USA Barack Obama started the prosecution process aimed against George Bush, charged with a number of war crimes committed during the period of his presidency. The position as to such presidential actions are considered to be contradicted leading to the social divisions calling for support or charging the former US president. Nevertheless, G. Bush is fairly charged with the crimes faced by the American nation. The idealism ideas provided by the new president appeared to be a chance for America for the best and warless future, but there are a lot of bloody prints left after the presidency of Bush being observed on the international level and making millions of people. (Hanley, 2009).
One of the main reasons for Bush’s arrest is considered to be the Iraq war. A great number of killed people and tremendous national losses lie on the shoulders of Bush’s policy. The pretext of the Iraq invasion was considered to be the imminent use of mass destruction weapons. Besides, George Bush’s presidency and war crimes are closely interacted and aimed at one common purpose; his warlike policy was followed by Iraqi detainees’ barbaric treatment at Abu Ghraib. It should be stressed that US Supreme Court disclosed limited relief to detainees without taking into account the administration’s stiff opposition. George Bush was not considered to be a malevolent person; but he was deprived of understanding the real role of the United States and the destiny of the nation. (First Job for Obama: Arrest Bush, 2009).
People of America laid heavy responsibilities on the shoulders of Obama after taking the presidency. He is to improve the US system of justice and contribute to the human rights record. According to Obama, the United States are to “rediscover the power of diplomacy” to restore America’s standing on the international level. The arrest of Bush is supported by the community through the fact that he used to destroy the constitution of the USA by means of war events. Obama stated that he is to provide the recovery period for the country in order to change American foreign policy and guarantee the security of American nation. All the steps which are to be done by the new presidents are closely connected with the grave mistakes made by George Bush. (Sorabjee, 2009).
It is necessary to underline the fact that Obama’s intention to arrest Bush for war crimes resulted in the establishment of an American group called “Arrest Bush 2009” aiming its strategies at the former president’s arrest during the Inaugural Parade. The fact is that two Vermont towns started the promotion of the accusation of George Bush charged with crimes against the US Constitution. The representatives of the group against Bush reflect their intentions to arrest him just near FBI Building in the process of parade in Washington. (Allen, 2009).
The position of Obama in this situation is not still identified. He stated in one of the interviews:
“We have not made final decisions, but my instinct is for us to focus on how do we make sure that moving forward we are doing the right thing. That doesn’t mean that if somebody has blatantly broken the law, that they are above the law, but my orientation is going to be to move forward.” (Edwards, 2009).
To this Turley underlined the fact that CIA officers carrying out the torture are just following the orders given which are considered to be legal:
“It only works if you can reasonably rely on the advice, and it generally does not protect people like Bush” (Edwards, 2009).
The contradictions are caused by the fact that the war crimes committed are supported by slight proves nevertheless the Bush’s role in their fulfillment was completely proves.
George Bush can be called “the so of gun”. During the period of his presidency he managed to show that his policy is exclusively warlike, making millions of people suffer great losses. The possible arrest of the former American president can be explained by the fact that he should bear responsibility for his thirst of oil which made American soldiers pay for this by their own lives and happiness of their families. The wars started through Bush’s policy are considered to be completely unjustified but resulted in an oil war which took away the lives of American soldiers. No one is to be the boss of other people’s lives that is why George Bush is to pay for everything he has done. Not in vain so many people supported the decision of Obama to start prosecution against George Bush; people understand the depth of his mistakes and the fact that Bush’s intentions were not aimed at the America’s well being and prosperity. The policy of international conflicts ended and the USA gets a chance to live in the era of peace and stability.
Edwards, David. Turley: Obama “owns” Bush “war crimes” if he looks the other way. 2009. Web.
First Job for Obama: Arrest Bush. 2009. Web.
Hanley, James. Obama Won’t Prosecute Bush War Crimes. Social Innovation Conference. 2009. Web.
Sorabjee, Soli. Bush and Obama. Indian Express. Web.
Allen, Mike. Bush attacks Obama foreign policy. Politico Stories. 2009.
Parry, Robert. Bush’s war crimes and Misdemeanors. Consortium News. 2008. Web.