Analyzing Giltinan’s Leadership Styles and Theoretical Contributions


The assigned topic seeks to examine the role of effective leadership in nursing practice. The discussion is a case study focusing on the article “Leadership Styles and Theories” by Charlotte Giltinane. The purpose of this paper is to offer a succinct summary of the selected article and how the presented concepts can empower nurses to provide high-quality services to different patients. The theories gained from this reading will inform my future practice as a caregiver.

Giltinane Article Summary

The targeted article begins by explaining why healthcare professionals should identify appropriate leadership theories and styles in accordance with their respective roles. Competent nurse leaders (NLs) will empower and inspire others to meet the diverse needs of their patients. Aspects such as personality traits, emotional intelligence, and values should be considered when leading others. The author introduces transactional leadership as a powerful style for improving followers’ performance and satisfaction. This task-oriented approach can guide nurses to offer quality services. However, this style might not promote shared team values (Giltinane, 2013).

Transformational leadership is also presented as a useful style for engaging others. The author supports the use of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to deliver positive results. The democratic aspect of this model encourages NLs to share responsibilities, motivate others, and promote interdependence (Giltinane, 2013). The article goes further to support the use of situational leadership in different facilities that encounter constant change. Such a model empowers leaders to handle emerging situations and embrace flexibility. It also promotes a contingency approach. However, individuals who embrace the style fail to foster group interaction. The outstanding message is that NLs should apply flexible leadership strategies depending on the existing circumstances.


The above article has equipped me with adequate concepts that will impact my future practice as a nurse. To begin with, I will identify various leadership models and develop evidence-based approaches to develop them. I will focus on different attributes such as emotional intelligence, charisma, mentorship, and integrity to guide others. I have also understood the importance of empowering and guiding my followers using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory.

Since health practitioners encounter diverse situations and circumstances in their respective working environments, it will always be my obligation to apply transformational, transactional, and situational leadership styles accordingly. I am also planning to establish new teams in order to deliver positive results within a short time. Another outstanding lesson is that of continuous learning. I will always embrace this practice in order to develop evidence-based insights or concepts that can eventually make me a skilled provider of high-quality medical services.


The above discussion has described why healthcare professionals should take the issue of leadership seriously. With different styles to choose from, nurse practitioners should consider their respective circumstances in order to emerge successfully.

Such an approach will empower them to offer high-quality medical services to their patients. The studied article also promotes various attitudes such as teamwork, communication, emotional intelligence, and collaboration since they can guide medical professionals to offer desirable health services in different settings. Nurses and practitioners who embrace and use transformational, transactional, and situational leadership styles efficiently will meet the diverse needs of their respective patients.


Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard, 27(41), 35-39. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Analyzing Giltinan’s Leadership Styles and Theoretical Contributions." July 28, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Analyzing Giltinan’s Leadership Styles and Theoretical Contributions." July 28, 2021.

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