“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review

The third edition of Global issues by Seitz is an introductory analysis to most of the factors that influence the environment, economy, and society (Seitz 2007). The book has a very wide coverage of various perspectives in different societies in as far as continued development is concerned. These issues have been analyzed in order to equip the reader with vast skills that are necessary in the implementation and evaluation of smart choices and in solving the problems discussed.

The author has emphasized on the need for a well informed and thorough contemplation. The text used diagrammatic illustrations and photographs extensively, in addition to a reader’s guide on how to carry out further reading, internet links and media reviews. It also incorporates ideas that are helpful to the reader in the discussion and study of the data in the book (Seitz 2007).

This edition fully integrates new features and sections on foreign assistance in development, terrorism, poverty, food security, obesity, and the millennium development goals. The introduction part gives the reader an insight into why some other countries are rich while others wangle in poverty (Seitz 2007). In the chapter on climate change, the author tries to back up his claims with empirical evidences, probable effects and the uncertainties that have gripped the world due to rampant changes in climate and how this affects renewable and non renewable sources of energy The unified approach used by the author is suitable for induction courses in subjects like geography, politics, environmental science and sociology (Seitz 2007). The author further discusses the approaches that have been assimilated by the United States government, China and Japan in response to the energy crisis (Seitz 2007). While the author acknowledges that food production in the global sphere has widely increased, he also notes that there has been failure to development sustainable farming practices that can be able to effectively sustain the environment.

The book is so far the most relevant introduction to the topic in discussion. It warrants a rating of 3 out of the possible five stars.

Reference List

Seitz, L J 2007, Global issues, 3rd Edition, Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 17). “Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review. https://studycorgi.com/global-issues-third-edition-by-john-l-seitz/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review'. 17 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review." February 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-issues-third-edition-by-john-l-seitz/.


StudyCorgi. "“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review." February 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-issues-third-edition-by-john-l-seitz/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "“Global Issues: Third Edition” by John L. Seitz: A Book Review." February 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/global-issues-third-edition-by-john-l-seitz/.

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