Gloucester City Community Description

Gloucester city has friendly neighbors, various restaurants and stores, and schools pay a lot of attention to students. First of all, it is effortless to get close to the people of Gloucester City as they are open to communication. I know everyone who lives near my house by name, and I have over twenty friends in this town. Secondly, the variety of places to have dinner with friends or family is astounding, as is the number of stores. There are many ethnic restaurants in Gloucester city, including Indian, Asian, and Japanese ones. Thirdly, the suburban environment is conducive to being more attentive to education. At the school I went to in Gloucester, the teachers were always encouraging and supported my progress more attentively than before I moved here. Gloucester city has many parks for walking and lakes where you can fish; it is a very green city, practically unpolluted. For example, there are Haddon Lake Park, Wallworth Pond, and the beautiful Knight Park. I often walk my dog in the latter park, which has allowed me to make a lot of acquaintances. On top of that, the city’s politicians are keeping the forests in Gloucester from being cut down. There are regular tree planting events, one of which my family friends participated in ((Gloucester City News, 2021). What is also important to note is that Gloucester makes sure to minimize pollution. I am very supportive of the air quality control program run by the authorities. Gloucester is safe and inexpensive to live in, with a thoroughfare connecting Gloucester to Philadelphia and New York City. For example, the city is safer than 40% of the cities in the United States (Area Vibes, 2020). I live in the southern part of the city and have never had any security problems. Besides, the city’s central highways help the town develop economically. Also, as a local, it is convenient for me to get to New York City in terms of road structure. In addition to this, housing prices in Gloucester are relatively low. My parents chose this city because housing was cheaper than in other cities. Thus, I think Gloucester has many advantages to living in it.


Area Vibes. (2020). Gloucester City, NJ crime. Web.

Gloucester City News. (2021). Goodvews: Gloucester City people come together to plant trees on Mercer Street. Web.

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