Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model

The ability to efficiently formulate and set goals is an important life skill that can influence how a person lives a life. According to the DAPPS rule, the great goal must be dated and achievable to determine whether the aim is met; and personal to make sure that the person forms their vision of the future. Set goals must be positive and specific, so they can be measured and attained by applying effort and not simply by non-failing (Downing, 2017). Currently, studying and my career are the most important things to me. I want to graduate at the beginning of 2023, and I would like to become a real estate appraiser by the middle of 2023.

I often imagine becoming a real estate appraiser because it makes me feel excited and financially independent. I imagine working in many different places in my dream visualization, from cozy houses filled with family love to run-down apartments with their history, as if from a dramatic novel. Talking to people means getting in touch with their stories, goals, and dreams expressed in the places where they lived or would like to live. Most importantly, I feel helpful, reliable, independent, and capable of helping others. All of the above is expressed for me in the “perfect deal” scene, in which I can be an expert, and the people who have found their ideal home are grateful to me.

As my professional goals are closely tied to my learning goals, it is not difficult for me to imagine what goals I need to achieve in my studies. Real estate appraiser constantly works with big amounts of information and needs to time manage perfectly; that is why I want to learn how to manage my time successfully. Thus, my goals for this month include: first, making and following a studying schedule; second, reading one book or listening to one podcast on time management weekly; and third, spending at least 30 minutes studying every day. Fourth, I must send one CV a day for the 2022 summer internship; fifth, I made appointments with an academic advisor and teachers whose subjects I have difficulty with. These goals fit the DAPPS rule because they are limited to 1 month, achievable, personal, positive, and specific.


Downing, S. (2017). On Course Study Skills Plus with MindTap. Cengage.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 13). Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model. https://studycorgi.com/goal-setting-using-skip-downings-dapps-model/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model'. 13 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/goal-setting-using-skip-downings-dapps-model/.


StudyCorgi. "Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/goal-setting-using-skip-downings-dapps-model/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model." March 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/goal-setting-using-skip-downings-dapps-model/.

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