Marriage Issues and Divorce Rates in America

The problem of varying divorce statistics in different states of the USA requires consideration due to the uncertainty of the exact reasons for such data. A large number of states in the South have extremely high divorce rates, which can be attributed to demographic and social problems. However, one needs to look at the modern institution of marriage in America in order to explain the problem of divorce in the current social situation.

It is necessary to realize that the family is a social cell that should be perceived exclusively in the context of the world around us, regardless of ethics. Families in America are never isolated from social and political phenomena, from the demographic situation that has developed in a particular region. Social inequality and low levels of government support in some States can lead to a drop in living standards and a reduction in income (Seccombe, 2017). The inability to provide for the family is a traumatic blow to the psychology of family members, in particular their patriarchal heads. Such complications and increasing external pressure certainly cause internal conflicts within the family, which can lead to a loss of trust within the unit and its subsequent disintegration.

In addition to lowering wages in certain regions, price increases should also be indicated as reasons for divorce. The inability to secure a comfortable enough home due to rising real estate prices is a blow to the integrity of the family. This problem is urgent and emphasized by the fact that despite the fact that in modern America, over the past decades, has experienced a reduction in the number of children in a family unit to one or two (Seccombe, 2017). Even so, the problem of providing for families is only growing, and the family requires two breadwinners, which leads to the inability to adequately care for children. Thus, financial and social turbulences associated with rising prices, combined with growing needs, lead to a split within the family and the disintegration of the family unit. In more affluent states, this is less likely because families are under less financial pressure.


Seccombe, K. (2017). Exploring marriages and families. Pearson.

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