Google: Human Resource Management Practices

The aim of the proposed research is to examine the human resource management (HRM) practices and strategies at Google Inc. and their impact on the success of the corporation. Since 2006, the company has broken from the tradition in its HRM to involve radical changes that have improved its people management and team metrics, including performance over time, turnover rate, and satisfaction (Sela & Ben-Gal, 2018). Since then, the company has established an employee-centered culture whose core is employee empowerment to facilitate free thinking and innovation.


The proposed study will examine and explore how Google applies its HRM strategies and how they help retain a highly-talented and innovative workforce that contributes to its success.


The study will revolve around Google as the case study and will seek to examine only its HRM strategies, how they are designed differently from other companies, and how they help it retain highly talented and innovative employees.

Literature Review

The proposed study seeks to examine the concept of HRM and its contribution to organizational performance, taking into consideration the technology industry. The modern tech industry is highly sophisticated and faces a number of human resources difficulties in spite of the consequences of continuous technological advancements. Due to the competitive nature of the sector, companies are forced to keep looking for the best talent to improve innovation, without which few firms can survive (Srivastava et al., 2022). For instance, firms have to have the best engineers, designers, systems developers, and others to stay ahead.

Nevertheless, all these achievements rely on the talent and abilities of the employees. It is the role of the HRM and the strategies adopted to ensure that a firm recruits, trains, and retains the best talent in the industry to support and drive its innovations and invention. Consequently, the literature review will examine and appraise recent research on the role of HRM in supporting, facilitating, and driving innovation and invention in the tech industry. Theoretical and conceptual models in HRM, as they apply in the tech industry, will be a key aspect of the literature review. Among others, Fombrun, Harvard, Guest, and Warwick models are critical theories and models that can help explain how HRM applies in the tech industry to benefit certain companies.

Data Source

In studying the Google Inc. Company’s HR strategies, the research will obtain data from three sources. First, it will obtain qualitative data from selected leaders in the company through interviews. Secondly, the study will obtain quantitative data from a sample of employees at Google. Finally, secondary data will come from previous studies and surveys conducted by other researchers to examine the success of Google in the last 15 years in relation to its HRM approaches.


A case study approach will help examine the topic of interest, given that the idea is to study only one company in a sector dominated by multiple firms. With a case study, it will be possible to access information about the case, use different sources of data about the company, and generalize the results to the larger population of firms in the tech industry.

Potential Benefits and Beneficiaries

The knowledge obtained from the study will help improve the current understanding of HRM practices and how they can help tech companies improve their competitiveness. Such knowledge will be beneficial to the academic world and players in the sector, such as firms, managers, policymakers, investors, and strategists.

Possible Output

Upon completion of the study, it is expected that the success of Google as one of the most innovative tech companies will be linked to its HRM strategies. Consequently, the unique approaches that the company’s HRM has adopted could be recommended to other firms in and outside the tech sector to improve their innovations.

Content/organization of Output

The output will describe the specific HRM strategies that Google has been using to achieve its success. These will be arranged in terms of their importance, such as the focus on employees, freedom of innovation and experiment for workers, creating a happy environment for workers, satisfaction, and economic benefits.


Sela, A., & Ben-Gal, H. C. (2018). Big data analysis of employee turnover in global media companies, Google, Facebook and others. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering in Israel (ICSEE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Srivastava, Y., Ganguli, S., Suman Rajest, S., & Regin, R. (2022). Smart HR competencies and their applications in Industry 4.0. In Kumar, P., Obaid, A. J., Cengiz, K., Khanna, A & Balas, V.A. (Eds.) A fusion of artificial intelligence and internet of things for emerging cyber systems (pp. 293-315). Springer, Cham.

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