Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution


Faith has played a crucial role around the world by guiding those in leadership both in church and government to enhance the care of citizens. Sider (2020) asserts that all people were made in the image of God, which is the true definition of the nature of a person. In addition, governments are meant to cater to their poor citizens. Similarly, according to Genesis 2:15, the responsibility of stewardship is entrusted to those in power by God, who are tasked to watch over others (Sider, 2020). Consequently, I concur that the government should participate in redistributing wealth to the poor, as the church addresses economic injustice while faith organizations are involved in eradicating poverty.

The Role of Government and Church in Economic Resource Redistribution

Governments are God-given, and all people are created by Him, hence humans are equal. Therefore, resource redistribution will not only reduce inequality but also lower the poverty levels among the afflicted. Genesis 2:15 indicates that man was created in God’s image and is equal (Sider, 2020). As a result, governments are most suited to this endeavor since they are centrally placed and know all their population. Similarly, the clergy’s role in wealth redistribution is well documented in the bible. In Mathew 25:24 Jesus highlighted the importance of supporting the state welfare when he spoke about the poor and the last judgment, where he advocates for caring (England, 2019). Therefore, the church should participate in the redistribution of economic resources to the poor.

The Church Addressing Economic Inequality

In my view, the church should address inequality being experienced across the world. This is because it is pivotal as an agency to give impulse and motivate other groups to work and enhance a sustainable and peaceful society. Abuom (2018) asserts that Amos 5:24 shows the importance of justice and righteousness and likens its flow to that of a stream. Therefore, this can be replicated by the church through fighting inequality.


In conclusion, it is my opinion that both the church and the government can be involved in resource redistribution as indicated by the bible. In the books of Amos, Mathew, and Genesis, their roles have been highlighted respectively. Similarly, faith organizations are better suited to fight poverty than governments. This is because religious traditions involve the support of the vulnerable in society through service delivery and the provision of spiritual resources.


Abuom, A. (2018). A Clarion Christian call to justice and peace: Ending global inequality and climate injustice. World Council of Churches. Web.

England, R. (2019). Jesus on wealth redistribution: What he said and didn’t say. Foundation for Economic Education. Web.

Sider, R.J. (2020). Christian Faith and Economics. In: Akram, T., Rashid, S. (Eds), Faith, Finance, and Economy (pp. 15-29). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Web.

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