Grant Proposal: Cancel Cancer

Executive Summary

Cancer becomes one of the key causes of death and aggressive forms of diseases in America. To ensure that patients diagnosed with cancer can effectively reduce their stress and anxiety levels, a grant is needed to use the program of emotional relief. A $100,000 grant is required to cover the costs of care delivery, care provider pays, and organizational issues. Namely, weekly meetings with patients in the hospital settings, the interaction with their families, and educational materials require financial aid.

Organization Description and History

An Emotional Relief organization aims to support patients diagnosed with any form of cancer by offering psychological help and relevant education. This organization has worked for more than ten years and follows the mission of providing relief and recovery to patients and their families. The organization founders believe that it is critical to make sure that care providers and patients trust and respect each other to minimize stress levels.


In the US, cancer is the second most widespread cause of death, accounting for 25 % of all deaths annually. In Broward, a cancer diagnosis is identified most often across Florida (“Cancel Cancer”). As reported by the Hartford Hospital, breast cancer is the most common cancer as about one out of eight women have it during their life. These statistics show that the situation with cancer is critical, and patients need effective evidence-based treatment methods.

Stress and anxiety are two key psychological issues that impact people with cancer. Therefore, the requested grant will be allocated to help patients in handling their stress through education and clear instructions. The goal of the proposed program is to connect care providers and patients, build trustful relationships, and promote healthy recovery and emotional well-being.

Project Description (Program Narrative)

  • Provide relevant information. The members of the Emotional Relief organization are highly-qualified professionals with at least three years of experience in caring for patients with cancer. They constantly improve their competence and focus on evidence-based interventions. Depending on a patient’s needs, culture, attitudes, and other important factors, they choose the best care strategies. Namely, the online source of education will be designed and added to the hospital’s website, and patients would be invited to visit it. Pamphlets are the brief printed version that would be given to patients once in two weeks to provide information for those who are not convenient with online sources. Physicians, nurses, oncologists, psychologists, and social workers would be responsible for this point.
  • Educate patients to relieve their stress and anxiety. Patient education is achieved using face-to-face and group conversations, answering questions, and speaking about life and death matters (Kim et al. 307). Patients receive useful tips on handling aggression, anger, negative emotions, and so on. Weekly meetings with psychologists and social workers would be organized to answer patients’ questions an address their concerns. Oncologists and those who defeated cancer would be invited to share their stories of success and also learn to remain positive despite various challenges.
  • Strengthen patients’ relationships with their families and communities. This goal would be achieved by weekly meetings with patients and their families to identify and address their problems. The meetings can be conducted by physicians, counselors, and oncologists, if necessary, at the hospital or home settings, depending on the preference of patients. Family support is a key to emotional recovery to remain optimistic and practice positive thinking. Services will be delivered to patients with cancer. Successor failure is measured in cooperation with physicians based on the patient’s medical data and psychological changes.

Project Timeline/Budget Timeline

  • Start communication with the local hospitals on February 1, 2021
  • Spend $10,000 to design care programs by March 1, 2021
  • 20% of program implementation by April 31, 2021
  • 80% achievement of goals by June 31, 2021


Categories of Matching Grant Activity Funding Source (%) Total Sub Project Budget (US $)
Matching grant fund Beneficiary Minimum Maximum
Care program designs 40 60 10,000 50,000
Patient support, integration with physicians 70 30 40,000 110,000
Supplies and program evaluation 60 40 15,000 45,000
Salaries 30 70 30,000 40,000
Advertising 60 40 5,000 10,000


The effectiveness of the emotional relief program will be assessed based on the following criteria: any changes in the emotional states of patients within six months; the improvement of the ability of patients to cope with stress and interact with their families, and the level of knowledge about cancer and related challenges. This will be evaluated through interviews with patients and their physicians or other care providers.

Works Cited

Cancel Cancer.” Community Foundation of Broward, 2020. Web.

“The Hartford Hospital 2014 Cancer Community Needs Assessment and Outcomes Activity Summary Report”. Hartford Healthcare, Web.

Kim, Youngmee, et al. “Cancer Caregiving Predicts Physical Impairments: Roles of Earlier Caregiving Stress and Being a spousal caregiver.” Cancer, vol. 121, no. 2, 2015, pp. 302-310.

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