According to the PG Writing Center, effective writing is clear, concise, complete and correct. It lacks irrelevant information and gives the reader proper information about the message the writer was trying to convey. In order to better understand this concept, I can reference the article What Are the Solutions to Climate Change by Greenpeace. It is aimed to explain the ways climate change can be resolved, while using comprehensive terms and being concise. The writer explains those methods in a detailed way, while also providing information about the complications, possible measures and the importance of worldwide climate change activism. They use short paragraphs without unnecessary details, thus making their point clear and concise.
I find this article very helpful for a number of reasons. First, the writer explains why this issue is concerning, without being too condescending or too frightful. Instead of being very vague in their text, they are very specific when they present all of the methods to resolve climate change. The writer also adds some valuable details that explain the complexity of this entire issue and why activism regarding this problem is a valid concern. That way, they do not oversimplify the topic that they depict, while not making it too complicated, either. The article helped me understand that I should make my texts comprehensive and complete, making each of my ideas easy to understand. They sometimes use the first person, but usually have the third person throughout the entire article. If I were to write something similar, I would use a simple language, while making sure that both sides understand the depicted issue and its complexities. That way, my viewpoint would be valid and I would be able to raise awareness of certain problems.