Growth Strategy for Fitness Business

It goes without saying that the successful development of a fitness business requires a well-elaborated growth strategy. All in all, there are five stages of fitness business growth that include getting started, building the foundation, growing a team, developing leaders, and expanding an organization (Greeley, n.d.). I suppose that within a period of three years, it is possible to reach the third stage that presupposes a continuous attraction of customers and the creation of a solid customer base.

While a considerable number of people are currently interested in technologies available in gyms that are traditionally highly expensive, it is nevertheless possible to attract and retain clients primarily through various options and excellent customer service. First of all, it is essential to consider promotion through the creation of a customer-friendly website of a facility and a launch of an advertising campaign in social nets targeting local residents as for the majority of people, the location of a gym is important. In addition, there are modern options that allow to minimize expenditures and increase a profit at the same time, including short videos with fitness coaching and training lessons, meal plans, and the streaming of fitness classes. On the one hand, they do not require any special equipment or additional efforts. On the other hand, published in social nets or sent to clients for free as trials, these materials will lead to the increased number of customers.

As previously mentioned, customer service should be exquisite to provide competitive advantages. Thus, every customer should have an opportunity to express concerns or leave feedback in a facility or via social nets knowing that his comments will be addressed. All staff should regard politeness and readiness to help as their top priorities along with professionalism and experience. In this case, within three years, it is expected to reach the total revenue of $10,000 per month with approximately $3,000 of profit, 100 membership numbers regardless of visits without membership, and 15-20 class sessions per week.


Greeley, S. (n.d.). The five stage of fitness business growth. NPE. Web.

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