Haiti’s Independence: Historical and Current Events


Haiti has a long history of political instability and violence, especially after its independence in 1804. The country has faced numerous coups, civil wars, and political assassinations, making it difficult for any government to establish a stable and functioning state (Stieber, 2022). The present essay aims to identify the connection between the research question focusing on Haiti’s post-independence political instability and the current events, such as gang-related violence, the protest of the Haitian police force, and kidnapping.

Historical Background

After the civil war in the 1990s, Haiti has struggled to establish a stable democracy. The country has faced many political and social challenges, including widespread poverty, corruption, and weak institutions. These challenges have made it difficult for the government to effectively address the needs of the population, leading to widespread frustration among the citizens (Stieber, 2022). In recent years, Haiti has faced additional challenges in its efforts to establish a stable and functioning government. As a result, in February 2021, Haiti’s latest President, Jovenel Moise, faced widespread protests and calls for his resignation due to allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds (Niño & González, 2022). The situation in the country has further escalated in the wake of his departure from office, leading to his assassination in July of the same year, increased political instability, and violence.

Current Events

Among the challenges that Haiti is currently facing is the increase in gang-related violence. This issue has led to a high number of deaths and injuries and protests by the Haitian police force demanding better working conditions and salaries. In recent months, these protests have sometimes turned violent, further exacerbating instability and insecurity. Additionally, kidnapping has become a serious issue in Haiti, affecting both local residents and foreign nationals. The lack of effective law enforcement and an ineffective justice system makes it difficult to address this problem, leading to increased insecurity and fear among the population.

Research Question and Current Events

Exploring the research question of political instability after the war in Haiti can greatly enhance one’s understanding of the historical roots of current events. By examining the conditions that led to instability in the past, scholars can gain valuable insights into the underlying causes and dynamics of the current situation. For example, exploring the political, social, and economic factors that contributed to instability after the civil war can help to understand why Haiti has struggled to establish a stable and functioning government (Séraphin et al., 2019). This understanding can then inform efforts to address the root causes of the current challenges and help to prevent future instability. Additionally, studying the historical roots can provide important lessons for how to address the current situation in Haiti. By examining the successes and failures of past efforts to promote stability and democracy, policymakers can gain important insights into what strategies are likely to be effective in the current context.

The Influence of Biased Perspectives

Bias can play a significant role in shaping one’s understanding of Haiti’s historical and current events. For example, official government reports, media outlets, and academic sources may present biased perspectives influenced by political, economic, or cultural interests, leading to a distorted depiction of events in the country. This can result in an incomplete or one-sided representation of the challenges and complexities faced by Haiti, as well as the efforts being made to address these challenges. It is important to be aware of these biases and seek out multiple sources and perspectives when exploring Haiti’s historical and current events to gain a more accurate understanding of the country’s experiences and developments.

Historical Events Narrative

If the narrative about the historical events of political instability in Haiti was told from a missing perspective, it could bring a new level of understanding and insight into the challenges faced by the country. For example, if it was told from the perspective of marginalized groups, such as women, rural communities, or communities of color, it could provide a different lens on the events and experiences that shaped Haiti’s political landscape (Stieber, 2022). This could highlight the ways in which these groups have been affected by instability and violence, as well as the contributions and resilience they have shown in the face of these challenges.

Current Events Narrative

Similarly, if the narrative of current events in Haiti was told from a missing perspective, it could provide a different and more nuanced understanding of the complexities in the country. For example, if the narrative were told from the perspective of the families of victims, it could shed light on the impact of violence and insecurity on ordinary people (Séraphin et al., 2019). This could provide a more human and empathetic understanding of the effects of gang-related violence and kidnapping and could highlight the need for more effective and compassionate responses to these issues. If this narrative was told from the perspective of local leaders and community organizers, it could provide more profound insight into the efforts being made to address gang-related violence and kidnapping.


To conclude, Haiti has a long and complex history of political instability and violence, which continues to affect the country in the present day. The research question exploring Haiti’s post-independence political instability provides valuable insights into the historical roots of the current challenges, including gang-related violence, the protests of the police force, and kidnapping. The role of bias in shaping our understanding of these events is important to acknowledge, and exploring missing perspectives can bring new understanding and empathy to the situation.


Niño, C., & González, C. (2022). Phantom state in Haiti: Criminal sovereignty and the mercenary remedy. Trends in Organized Crime. Web.

Séraphin, H., Zaman, M., & Fotiadis, A. (2019). Challenging the negative image of postcolonial, post-conflict and post-disaster destinations using events. Caribbean Quarterly, 65(1), 88-112. Web.

Stieber, C. (2020). Haiti’s paper war: Post-independence writing, Civil War, and the making of the Republic, 1804–1954. NYU Press.

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StudyCorgi. "Haiti’s Independence: Historical and Current Events." January 25, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/haitis-independence-historical-and-current-events/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Haiti’s Independence: Historical and Current Events." January 25, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/haitis-independence-historical-and-current-events/.

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