Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States

Allen, D. W. (2019). Establishing economic property rights by giving away an empire. The Journal of Law and Economics, 62(2), 251-280. Web.

This source by Allen (2019), discusses the concept of economic property rights and how they can be established through the process of empire-building. The article examines the historical and economic factors that have led to the formation of empires and the impact they have had on the establishment of property rights. The article also analyzes the different ways that the US has distributed land and resources to its citizens, and the effect it had on their economy. It is therefore relevant to the current essay, which includes a review of the Homestead Act in the US.

Arnold, I. N. (2022). The history of Abraham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery. Books on Demand.

Arnold (2022) assesses the impact of Lincoln’s leadership on Illinois and the US in general. The article delves into the events and actions that took place during Lincoln’s presidency, and how his leadership contributed to the eventual end of slavery in the United States. Additionally, it examines Lincoln’s views on slavery and how they evolved, as well as the political and social climate of the time and how it influenced Lincoln’s actions. The article is therefore important in providing essential information in completing the current essay.

Draper, W. D. (2019). Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Historic houses of Lincoln’s Illinois. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 112(4), 407-409. Web.

Draper (2019) discusses the various historical houses that are associated with Abraham Lincoln in the state of Illinois, exploring the history and significance of these houses, as well as how they are preserved and celebrated today. It may also discuss the impact of Lincoln’s time in Illinois on his development as a leader and his legacy in the state. The article is relevant to understanding Illinois’ history and the Civil War era.

Goodwin, D. K. (2019). Leadership: In turbulent times. Simon & Schuster.

Goodwin (2019) discusses the leadership of Abraham Lincoln during the turbulent times of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery. It examines Lincoln’s leadership style, character, and decision-making processes, as well as his impact on American history. It paints a picture of the kind of president Lincoln was after having grown up in Illinois, hence relevant in the present essay.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Browne, F. F. (2021). The every-day life of Abraham Lincoln. Prabhat Prakashan.

Kelly, P. (2019). The lost continent of Abraham Lincoln. Journal of the Civil War Era, 9(2), 223-248. Web.

Scofield, A. (2022). Abraham Lincoln: Thoughts on slavery and racial equality. OUR Journal: ODU Undergraduate Research Journal, 9(1), 8. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/abraham-lincolns-impact-on-illinois-and-the-united-states/.


StudyCorgi. "Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/abraham-lincolns-impact-on-illinois-and-the-united-states/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Abraham Lincoln’s Impact on Illinois and the United States." January 22, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/abraham-lincolns-impact-on-illinois-and-the-united-states/.

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