Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion


Chinese religious beliefs have been regarded as peaceful and humanistic. Therefore, the notions of self-control, self-discipline, and restraint are traditionally associated with Chinese religious practices and ethical standards (Einzelgänger, 2020; Open Your Reality, 2021). However, the specified statements regarding Chinese religion are not merely empty. Due to the strong influence of Confucian beliefs in Chinese religion, the concepts in question are instrumental for spiritual growth.

Main body

Arguably, self-control and self-discipline constitute a part of any religious belief system. Since practicing specific traditions and rituals linked to a certain religion requires restraint, the use of self-control and self-discipline is instrumental. Cogito (2020) argues that the principles of self-control and self-discipline allow one to overcome distractions and practice core religious principles and tasks with greater diligence. Therefore, the Chinese religion is not the only one that is associated with the notions of self-control and self-discipline.

Furthermore, the connection between the notions of self-discipline and self-control and the foundational tenets of Confucianism is evident as Confucius sought to address the chaos that engulfed China at the time (Cogito, 2020). In turn, self-restraint and self-control represent essential tools for maintaining the established order, hence the significance of the specified notions for Chinese religion. Similarly, Taoism, which denies the existence of any other path but Tao, invites its followers to maintain self-control by making the choices that ultimately lead to Tao (Open Your Reality, 2021). Moreover, given the duality of the Taoism philosophy, namely, the presence of the yin and the yang, being and non-being, the importance of maintaining composure as the means of keeping a balance between the two represents a crucial task (Einzelgänger, 2020). Therefore, self-control and self-restraint constitute the core principles of Chinese religion.


Therefore, the concepts in question are particularly important for the promotion of spiritual development and the achievement of core goals in Chinese religion. Specifically, the options of self-control and self-restraint serve a crucial purpose in practicing core Chinese religious beliefs, particularly, those associated with Taoism and Confucianism. Thus, self-discipline and self-restraint can be considered the core pillars of the notion of spiritual development in the Chinese religious and philosophic context.


Cogito. (2020). History of Ancient China | Dynasties, Confucius, and the First Emperor [Video]. Youtube. Web.

Einzelgänger. (2020). The deep meaning of yin & yang [Video]. Youtube. Web.

Open Your Reality. (2021). Taoism explained most entertainingly [A brief Taoist documentary] [Video]. Youtube. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, May 27). Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion. https://studycorgi.com/harmony-within-self-control-and-self-discipline-in-chinese-religion/

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StudyCorgi. (2024) 'Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion'. 27 May.

1. StudyCorgi. "Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion." May 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/harmony-within-self-control-and-self-discipline-in-chinese-religion/.


StudyCorgi. "Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion." May 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/harmony-within-self-control-and-self-discipline-in-chinese-religion/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Harmony Within: Self-Control and Self-Discipline in Chinese Religion." May 27, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/harmony-within-self-control-and-self-discipline-in-chinese-religion/.

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