Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows

Having a pet is morally, emotionally, socially and physically good for individuals. Every person should get a pet if they are able. The variety of pets and animals to choose from allows for certain variety in terms of both care and requirements, letting people with no experience also experience having an animal to care for. Most pets require some form of care and support, which improves one’s physical fitness and the capacity to take other’s needs into account. Mentally, the company of an animal can soothe pain and anxiety, ease loneliness and otherwise improve mood. Socially, animals can be a great way to start conversations with others, or a method by which a person can learn to be more thoughtful, caring and attentive. Additionally, it can be noted that having an animal is a signifier of one’s personal qualities, one that can help bring the disposition of others towards themselves. Even in terms of morals, having a pet and taking care of it can often be seen as an act of goodwill and virtue. By helping animals and taking care of pets a person can act in a morally good way and develop their character. In a social context, it is beneficial to the majority of people to own a pet or know how to tend to one. Overall, there are many benefits to owning a pet, many of which are inseparable from the process of taking care of it.

As an activity, having an animal can be extremely beneficial to a person on all levels of influence, including mental, physical, social and moral. In addition to providing a necessary and valuable experience to an individual, the process of owning or taking care of an animal helps people develop themselves and grow to be better in the future. Physically, the process of taking the animal out on walks, maintaining its living space, and playing with it can help a person be more fit, develop a regular and healthy schedule, as well as a sense of timeliness to their actions. Additionally, pets are proven to be good for one’s mental health. Animals can reduce the feelings of anxiety or worry, soothe negative emotion and provide relief in times of stress (Having a pet helps a lot, new research shows, 2020). They can also be there as agents of moral support or reliance in cases of danger. Furthermore, owning a pet reduces the person’s sense of loneliness.

Socially, taking care of an animal provides multiple benefits too. Most people enjoy learning about animals, or interacting with them, so using one as a way to start an interaction often helps to break the ice. The ownership of a pet can be a good way to learn being compassionate, caring and attentive to others – the qualities that are needed to be able to interact with others in a meaningful way. Lastly, owning a pet can be seen as a morally good act as well. Choosing to devote one’s time, energy and efforts towards another creature while expecting nothing in return, offering kindness and care to those that often have no way to support themselves – all of these are acts of virtue.


Having a pet helps a lot, new research shows. (2020). Daily News [Colombo, Sri Lanka], NA. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows." November 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/having-a-pet-helps-a-lot-new-research-shows/.


StudyCorgi. "Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows." November 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/having-a-pet-helps-a-lot-new-research-shows/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows." November 13, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/having-a-pet-helps-a-lot-new-research-shows/.

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