Healthcare Organizations: Health Policy in Japan

The healthcare industry is evolving quickly in all areas, creating a burden in healthcare service delivery. Addressing the issue gives more insight into who pays for healthcare and how it is delivered (Matsuda, 2019). Private insurance firms struggle to keep up with their new patients, who may have more medical difficulties since they cannot seek treatment before getting coverage, as Medicare pays more as the population ages.

how to handle patients better

Due to rising deductibles, patients are now paying a larger portion of their medical expenses. Healthcare organizations must promote aggressively and offer outstanding customer service. This is because patients behave more like customers, seeking the finest care at a discount. Addressing the issues ensures nurses contribute to the future healthcare system, thus, ensuring patients are happy. They must stay current with new technologies and practices because they primarily provide patient care. Particularly in rural and underdeveloped communities, nurses and nurse practitioners frequently function as the only healthcare providers.

MCO Standards Role in Future Health

The MCO standards should ensure collaboration between nurses and other healthcare executives. Nurses provide insights into patient care that others may lack because they spend much more time at the bedside than doctors and other leaders. Because of this, research and design should be a part of their expanding roles (Jayaraman et al., 2020). Nurses frequently serve as the go-betweens between patients and medical professionals, executives, and other leaders, providing them with a broad healthcare system perspective. Because of this, they are in a special position to contribute to positive change (GCU Academics, 2014). Thus, making room at the table for nurses is a priority for those in healthcare administration, finance, and nursing education for the changes to be impacted and MCO standards practiced in the various sectors.


GCU Academics. (2014). Introduction – part 1 [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Health policy in Japan – current situation and future challenges. (2019). JMA Journal, 2(1), 1–10. Web.

Jayaraman, P. P., Forkan, A. R., Morshed, A., Haghighi, P. D., & Kang, Y. B. (2019). Healthcare 4.0: A review of frontiers in digital health. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10(2). Web.

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