Shared Vision Development: Addressing Issues in Healthcare Organizations

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The healthcare sector has continued to provide quality medical support to many citizens. However, the practice has been characterized by a number of challenges. Proper knowledge of some of the issues affecting the sector can encourage more professionals to identify the best solutions (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). This proposal details two of the major issues affecting many healthcare organizations today.

Issues Faced By Our Organization

It is agreeable that our healthcare facility is facing the problem of staff shortage. Consequently, our department lacks adequate practitioners, physicians, and nurse aids. The ancillary service department provides medical care to many patients. The department has over 500 beds. The small number of nurses and physicians in the department affects the quality of care available to these patients. The caregivers are required to work for more hours in order to provide medical care to these patients (Littlejohn, Campbell, Collins-McNeil, & Khayile, 2012). Cases of exhaustion and burnout have become common in the hospital. The level of morale has also declined within the past few months. This challenge might affect the performance of the current workforce.

The second major issue facing our organization is poor job satisfaction. The majority of the caregivers and practitioners in the facility have been forced to work overtime. The increasing level of job dissatisfaction has continued to force many workers to look for new jobs elsewhere (Hussain, Rivers, Glovert, & Fottler, 2012). The current rate of turnover might eventually affect the quality of medical and health services available to different patients.

Impact of these Issues

The ultimate goal of healthcare practice is to provide evidence-based medical support to the largest number of patients. The above-mentioned issues have significantly affected the performance of my department. To begin with, the problem of workforce shortage is affecting the efficiency of different healthcare providers. The workers are usually overburdened or forced to work overtime. As a result, the workers become exhausted and demoralized (Hussain et al., 2012). This challenge has also affected the quality of care available to different patients. These problems have also increased the rate of employee turnover.

The majority of the employees in the department have become unhappy with the situation. The increasing level of turnover has made it impossible for many patients to receive quality health support. Workplace challenges such as poor communication and ineffective decision-making processes have become common in the department (Porter-O’Grady, Clark, & Wiggins, 2010). Consequently, the number of patients seeking medical support from the department has reduced significantly.

Importance of Communication, Collaboration, and Teamwork

The “problem of staff shortage in healthcare appears to be here to stay” (Tornabeni & Miller, 2008, p. 611). Many professionals have been looking for new jobs and opportunities in different sectors. As a result, the problem of workforce shortage is affecting the quality of care in different healthcare organizations (Tornabeni & Miller, 2008). Many theorists in medical practice have outlined various strategies that can be used to address the problems encountered in different healthcare facilities.

The use of improved collaboration, teamwork, and communication can improve the conditions experienced in my department. Effective communication and collaboration will empower more workers in the department. The caregivers will work as teams in an attempt to produce positive results. The current number of physicians and nurses will collaborate with one another whenever supporting the health needs of different patients (Porter-O’Grady et al., 2010). Every caregiver should undertake new leadership roles. Such roles will discourage more practitioners and caregivers from quitting their jobs. The level of participation will also improve. Every physician will work hard to support the changing health needs of the targeted patients.

Inclusion, Communication, and Collaboration

Tornabeni and Miller (2008) support the use of diversity because it results in inclusion. The department leader should implement the best programs that can result in inclusion. The department should encourage every worker to embrace the power of teamwork. Individuals from different backgrounds should be allowed to form new teams. As well, patients from diverse backgrounds should be allowed to be part of different healthcare delivery processes.

Effective leadership is also appropriate for improving the level of collaboration and communication (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). The leadership approach will ensure every employee is empowered, mentored, and guided. The workers should also be allowed to interact, share ideas, solve problems, and identify the best strategies that can improve the quality of patient care. The manager should also select competent team leaders. Motivational techniques will also play a positive role in improving the level of collaboration. A motivated caregiver will be ready to communicate with his or her workmates.

Organizational leaders should use the concept of consensus in an attempt to promote collaboration. The concept of organizational culture will also empower more practitioners and caregivers (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). Team collaboration makes it easier for employees to outline new ideas and goals. The individuals will communicate effectively with one another. Communication should also be developed as a useful attribute in the department. Communication is a powerful strategy that fosters inclusion and collaboration. These approaches will make it easier for more caregivers and physicians to deliver quality services. Positive communication and collaboration will eventually minimize the negative impacts of staff shortage and turnover.

Reference List

Buchan, J., & Aiken, L. (2008). Solving Nursing Shortages: A Common Priority. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(24), 3262-3268.

Hussain, A., Rivers, P., Glovert, S., & Fottler, M. (2012). Strategies for Dealing with Future Shortages in the Nursing Workforce: A Review. Health Services Management Research, 25(1), 41-47.

Littlejohn, L., Campbell, J., Collins-McNeil, J., & Khayile, T. (2012). Nursing Shortage: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Nursing, 1(1), 22-27.

Porter-O’Grady, T., Clark, J., & Wiggins, M. (2010). The Case for Clinical Nurse Leaders: Guiding Nursing Practice into the 21st Century. Nurse Leader, 1(3), 37-41.

Tornabeni, J., & Miller, J. (2008). The Power of Partnership to Shape the Future of Nursing: The Evolution of the Clinical Nurse Leader. Journal Nursing Management, 16(5), 608-613.

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