Healthcare Restructuring Initiatives

Comparative Analysis

The efforts of Hawaii and Massachusetts to restructure their healthcare systems are similar in terms of creating conditions for reducing overall medical costs, implementing high-quality and professional medical care, and meeting the needs of patients in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Nevertheless, Hawaii primarily focuses on promoting a universal healthcare system for all islanders that would greatly simplify and unify medicine in the state (Kemble, 2020). Furthermore, Hawaii is committed to supporting the homeless population, engaging healthcare professionals, enabling patient care navigation programs, and more (Kirshbaum, 2023). In contrast, Massachusetts’ recent efforts to restructure the local healthcare system are associated mainly with significant changes in Medicaid, the implementation of clear measures to combat COVID-19, and the performance of the Community Partners (CP) program and the Flexible Services Program (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2022). In Massachusetts, there is a reform of Romneycare, which requires mandatory participation of citizens in insurance programs.

Success of Efforts

Despite the loud statements of Gov. Josh Green or proposal law HRS 322H, Hawaii’s efforts could be more successful. The Hawaii system still has several significant drawbacks because there is a shortage of medical specialists after the ACA reforms and administrative costs have skyrocketed. On the contrary, based on the quantitative data obtained, Massachusetts has made significant progress in its activities (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2022). Their efforts have been successful in terms of achieving their goals and objectives.

Improving Efforts

In general, to improve the direction of the development of the health care system, Hawaii should decide to implement the law HRS 322H by a democratic administration and authorize the Hawaii Health Authority (HHA) to fulfill its statutory mission. Hawaii needs to take extraordinary measures to attract more employees and motivate staff. Accordingly, Massachusetts should think about actions for greater coverage of the population in terms of insurance programs and a balanced allocation of resources.


Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (2022). MassHealth delivery system restructuring: 2020 update report. Web.

Kemble, S.B. (2020). Hawaii was creating a plan for universal health care. It’s time to return to it. Honolulu Civil Beat Inc. Web.

Kirshbaum, E. (2023). 5 Things Hawaii: Lawmakers’ health policy plans, workforce support solutions, and more coverage from our recent event! State of Reform. Web.

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