Healthcare: The Importance of Accessibility

Healthcare is an important aspect that guarantees that good quality of life is maintained and alleviates people from illnesses. Healthcare currently is not accessible to everyone, but this should not be the case because everyone should have access to healthcare. Various advantages can be seen if healthcare was provided to everyone equally. One of the advantages of universal healthcare is that lower mortality rates will be experienced (Zieff et al.). Healthcare has a significant role in treating life-threatening illnesses, and the accessibility by everyone would save countless lives.

Healthcare provision to everyone would lead to increased economic productivity. The reason why universal healthcare would positively impact economic growth is that it would lead to people leading healthy lives, less time is taken off work due to illness, and the overall effect would be increased economic productivity (Bloom et al.). The provision of healthcare for all would significantly improve public health. This is because a broader coverage in healthcare provision would lead to improved access to healthcare, especially by the poor in society, leading to better health for the members of the public.

Healthcare provision to all would reduce poverty and bankruptcies. This is because access to healthcare is currently expensive, and a leading cause of bankruptcy is medical debt (Zieff et al.). Making healthcare available for all would reduce the financial burden placed on the population to get healthcare, and thus poverty reduction would occur in society. Healthcare access for all would be a means of ensuring equitability and justice in society (Bloom et al.). This is because everyone in society can be helped get well, and treatment would not be reserved for those who can afford it.

Works Cited

Bloom, David E., et al. “The Promise and Peril of Universal Health Care.” Science, vol. 361, no. 6404, 2018, p. eaat9644, Web.

Zieff, Gabriel, et al. “Universal Healthcare in the United States of America: A Healthy Debate.” Medicina, vol. 56, no. 11, 2020, p. 580, Web.

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