Nonverbal Communication Methods in Health Care

Communication has always been an essential part of people’s lives. Messages are exchanged during communication in order to achieve the goals of the conversation. People do not simply transmit data but inform, share knowledge about the difficulties of solving a problem, and discuss other aspects. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, some people have been prevented from expressing their thoughts verbally. Although there are many communication methods apart from verbal, they need to be selected depending on the person’s characteristics and abilities.

Modern technologies are rapidly developing, and there are ways to help non-verbal people communicate. However, older people often have difficulties using new gadgets. In this case, I would advise my relative to take a representative who understands them and can translate wishes for health care. For example, they can be family members or friends who understand sign language. This method’s advantages are that communication occurs as quickly and efficiently as the standard one (“American sign language”, 2019). It must also be noted that the causes of nonverbal communication are different. For example, a person could lose the ability to speak after a severe illness and be left without the knowledge of sign language.

When this method of communication is unavailable, one needs to search for the ways that I would rather recommend to a younger generation – the use of gadgets. Users can write a sentence and give the phone to voice it, although this method is a little longer and requires patience. Nowadays, people can find a wide range of alternative communication devices – from cards to mobile applications. A striking example is a Proloquo2Go app – in its memory one can save many words and phrases from which the user can make sentences, and the program will voice them (“Proloquo2Go,” n.d.). This method has advantages over standard sign language in that it is suitable for more different customers.

Knowledge about the existence of alternative communication methods is necessary both for people with disabilities and for ordinary people. If they meet a person using such devices, they will not be surprised but will be able to listen and help. There are also legal ways to consolidate health wishes – advance directives, a living will, and durable power of attorney. They allow a person to legally make sure that his or her health care preferences are taken into account in extreme circumstances. Since an accident can happen to anyone, documents can be compiled for both young and older generations.


American sign language. (2019). National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Web.

Proloquo2Go. Speak up with symbol-based AAC. (n.d.). AssistiveWare. Web.

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