Infant Feeding: An Evidence-Based Practice Proposal


Nowadays, many different manufacturers and businesses specialize in producing formula feeding for infants. There are also many controversies as to these products’ ability to provide healthy and nutritious meals to little children that might not have access to breast milk regularly (due to health issues of their mothers or other possible problems). To identify whether such an approach to infants’ feeding is beneficial for their bodies and physical development or not, it is necessary to conduct appropriate research. The following paper is intended to complete an evidence-based practice proposal regarding the influence of formula feeding on infants’ health in comparison with regular breast milk.

Solution Impact

Selected Change Model Application

The research performed to approve or refute the hypothesis mentioned above will have different results that might be implemented in the future to make people and medical personnel more aware of various formula feeding processes and products. All the steps of the selected change mode will be listed below:

  • The first step implies the use of the results acquired at the end of the considered study to train and educate parents (especially mothers of infants) as to the topic of breastfeeding (Asgarshirazi, Shariat, Nayeri, Dalili, & Abdollahi, 2017). The audience will have the ability to obtain specific knowledge helpful in the further physical development of these individuals’ children. They will have enough educational background (based on credible statements of professional nurses) to maintain their youngest family members’ healthy lifestyle.
  • Another step of this change model is supposed to provide certain information to other scholars who might be involved in the research sphere of formula feeding and its benefits to the health of infants in comparison with natural breast milk. These individuals will perform their professional studies considering the outcomes and results of the discussed research.

Results Evaluation

The following section of the paper presents a detailed explanation of how the results of this evidence-based practice project will be evaluated for advancing nursing practice in the selected MSN (Master of Science in Nursing) specialty track. The acquired knowledge is helpful in the profession of people who are involved in gastroenterology as it gives them an understanding of specific needs presented by the human digestion system in infancy (Li, Yan, Yang, & Han, 2017). Also, this information might be useful for the nurses of the specialty track mentioned above as they obtain valuable experience in the process of children’s treatment regarding their diets and products these patients are allowed to consume without causing any harm to their health and immune systems.

It is necessary to state that there is a wide range of formula feeding products. Therefore, it is essential to assess their ingredients to recommend appropriate meals to infants’ mothers. Hence, a professional nurse who works in the department of gastroenterology must know what ingredients might replace all the important components and calories that are present in breast milk.

Outcome Measures

This section of the proposal will define outcome measures that might be used to determine the ongoing successful implementation of the discussed evidence-based practice project. To claim the research mentioned above credible and beneficial for the further development of the formula feeding topic, it is necessary to analyze the results of the study (Martin, Ling, & Blackburn, 2016). The following points will enumerate all the requirements that must be followed to reach this goal:

  • The first suggested outcome implies the fact that various formula feeding products can replace breast milk in critical situations. Unfortunately, some women have problems with generating the necessary meal for their children. Therefore, it is beneficial to have another option in such cases. Otherwise, an infant might have some health issues due to the lack of vitamins and other nutritious components.
  • Another outcome measure that should be included in this list is children’s perception and reaction to different formula feeding products. Children’s digestion systems are not able to cope with particular types of food (hard, synthetic, hot, and so on) sometimes. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure high-quality products for infants (Martin et al., 2016). If this requirement is not followed, the consumed ingredients might hurt the health of children and might lead to ulcers as their stomachs are not used to digest a wide range of products yet.

Stakeholders’ Experience

The following part of the paper is intended to identify how the considered stakeholders will experience improved outcomes from the implementation of the results of this evidence-based practice project. It would be proper to mention that parents of infants, children, and healthcare professionals are selected as stakeholders who might benefit from the results of this study (Kim & Froh, 2012). All these people are interested in the successful ending of the discussed research. For instance, parents will know what products and brands can replace breast milk to their children when there is no possibility to provide them with natural food. In turn, infants’ health will be more protected due to high-quality meals that they might consume regularly. In the end, medical workers will obtain more knowledge regarding the diet of infants. Also, they will be able to treat their digestion systems properly in case of some issues. As it is mentioned above, nurses and doctors might recommend certain products to parents after the study is finished.

Translation of Results

Popularization of Outcomes

As an advanced practice nurse, the author of this paper must explain how he or she will provide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of one’s specialty track. All the experience and knowledge acquired during the discussed study must be shared with other nurses to popularize its outcomes and results as this information might improve the quality of health services all over the world (Kim & Froh, 2012). It would be proper to organize a professional conference and demonstrate a presentation that contains all the necessary data in front of the audience. All the visual material should be supported by the speeches of people who contribute to the study and have some ideas to share with their colleagues.

Overcoming Barriers

This section is supposed to explain how the author of the paper would overcome one barrier to the implementation of one’s evidence-based practice project results. It would be proper to state that there are no such limitations at the present moment. Nevertheless, it would be advantageous to share all the important findings of the practices related to the discussed project’s results with leaders of nursing teams (Kim & Froh, 2012). These professionals might approve the implementation of various practices aimed at the improvement of infants’ health.

Required Resources

To implement the results of the considered EBP project, it would be advantageous to use such resources as workforce and specific equipment. Some hardware might be needed to evaluate and determine the ingredients of certain formula feeding products. In turn, the workforce of volunteers is necessary to conduct minor research aimed at assessing every modification of such meals.

Results Dissemination

The results acquired during the study discussed above will be disseminated among members of the gastroenterological specialty nursing track with the help of the journal article that might be printed in the future, multiple conferences, and personal experience. Colleagues can share their knowledge and patients during appropriate healing processes. It is necessary to mention that some leaders of nursing teams in different hospitals also might make their auxiliaries aware of new professional approaches.


As it is mentioned above, there are a plethora of various formula feeding products available on the market nowadays. It helps mothers of infants to feed their children without using their breast milk. Unfortunately, many women have problems with generating this necessary component due to particular health issues or adverse diets. Therefore, it is essential to conduct research that will identify whether other ingredients can replace all the nutritious elements of breast milk or not. The student learned that all the information acquired during the study must be popularized among professional societies of nurses, doctors, and other medical workers. This knowledge will give them an understanding of how formula feeding influences the digestion systems of newborn children. Moreover, medical personnel’s recommendations to their clients might be based on the results of the given study as it determines what components are the most beneficial for toddlers when they do not have access to breast milk.


Asgarshirazi, M., Shariat, M., Nayeri, F., Dalili, H., & Abdollahi, A. (2017). Comparison of fecal calprotectin in exclusively breastfed and formula or mixed fed infants in the first six months of life. Acta Medica Iranica, 55(1), 53-58.

Kim, J., & Froh, E. (2012). What nurses need to know regarding nutritional and immunobiological properties of human milk. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 41(1), 122-137.

Li, Y., Yan, C., Yang, L., & Han, Z. (2017). Effect of breastfeeding versus formula milk feeding on preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 19(5), 572-575.

Martin, C. R., Ling, P.-R., & Blackburn, G. L. (2016). Review of infant feeding: Key features of breast milk and infant formula. Nutrients, 8(5), 279.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Infant Feeding: An Evidence-Based Practice Proposal." December 21, 2020.

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