Trends in Marketing for Health-Conscious Consumers in Canada

The number of health-conscious consumers has increased significantly in Canada. These people prefer natural or unprocessed products, fruits, and vegetables. The aging global population has also triggered this shift in consumption. This paper investigates how the marketing strategies of Canadian companies that target these individuals are being conducted today.

Marketing Efforts

Several trends experienced in Canada have transformed the marketing efforts of many companies in the food production sector. Freeman, Kelly, Vandevijvere, and Baur (2016) indicate that around 33 percent of Canadians would pay a premium for products that can enhance their health outcomes. The demand for food has also changed significantly in this country. This is true because many Canadians prefer vegetables and fruits than ever before. Another unique observation is that more citizens are engaging in exercises than ever before. This malpractice has promoted an evidence-based fitness culture. These developments have, therefore, compelled many organizations to transform their production, positioning, marketing, and advertising strategies in order to meet the expectations of every health-conscious customer.

Choi and Reid (2018) acknowledge that a number of corporations have gone further to improved their products using evidence-based initiatives. The first one is that some organizations have decided to produce smartphones, handheld devices, and sports equipment for monitoring calories. This is something influenced by the increasing number of citizens engaging in physical activities (Freeman et al., 2016). Many firms marketing consumer goods have managed to deliver healthy products. They have achieved this aim by reducing sugar levels and adding healthy compounds or plant extracts. Coca-Cola is a good example since it has introduced quality products such as Diet Coke.

Companies marketing farm products have focused on the needs of the increasing number of vegetarians. This means that their advertising strategies seek to sensitize more customers about the benefits of natural foods (Wyrwa & Barska, 2017). Many Canadian consumers can now benefit from many restaurants that serve healthy foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Different organizations that manufacture supplements have decided to improve their products by including healthy ingredients. The ultimate objective has been to sensitize more customers about the benefits of balanced diets (Alessandro & Luisa, 2014). Meal replacements have also become common in this country than ever before. Such products minimize the intake of foods rich in calories or fats.

The production of healthy products has been supported using evidence-based marketing initiatives. For instance, creative ads that encourage more people to consume fresh foods have become common. Affective triggers are also being used to attract more potential customers. Convenient packaging and transportation strategies are used to minimize the time taken to deliver these products to different customers (Choi & Reid, 2018). Alternative platforms such as social media and point-of-purchase promotions are used to deliver positive results.

Direct and mobile marketing approaches have been considered to increase the number of people consuming healthy beverages and food materials. Differentiated initiatives have also become common as many Canadian firms focus on the demands of children, the elderly, or adolescents (Wyrwa & Barska, 2017). The main objective has been to meet the needs of every health-conscious Canadian citizen. Such measures have made these organizations profitable and competitive.


The above discussion has revealed that many people are willing to eat healthy foods than ever before. This change has encouraged Canadian organizations to transform or improve their marketing efforts. Consequently, such corporations have decided to manufacture high-quality food products that resonate with the expectations of these new consumers. They have gone further to develop revolutionary business and advertising models that can deliver positive results.


Alessandro, S., & Luisa, S. (2014). The relationship between product and consumer preference for agri-food product: “Red orange of Sicily” case. IERI Procedia, 8, 52-59. Web.

Choi, H., & Reid, L. N. (2018). Promoting healthy menu choices in fast food restaurant advertising: Influence of perceived brand healthiness, brand commitment, and health consciousness. Journal of Health Communication, 23(4), 387-398. Web.

Freeman, B., Kelly, B., Vandevijvere, S., & Baur, L. (2016). Young adults: Beloved by food and drink marketers and forgotten by public health. Health Promotion International, 31(1), 954-961. Web.

Wyrwa, J., & Barska, A. (2017). Packaging as a source of information about food products. Procedia Engineering, 182, 770-779. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 25). Trends in Marketing for Health-Conscious Consumers in Canada.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Trends in Marketing for Health-Conscious Consumers in Canada." June 25, 2021.

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