The Walt Disney Company UK. Marketing and Advertising Strategies

The Walt Disney Company provides entertainment services and products. Since Disney has a broad market base, it employs multichannel marketing to reach the target audience extensively. Moreover, the Disney Company has enjoyed tremendous market success, particularly in Europe. Notably, poor marketing and advertising approaches are challenged by cultural clashes, financial woes, and poor marketing before changing the course of marketing and advertising. Disney’s current marketing and advertising success in the UK market is attributable to intense marketing research, value-based pricing, product and market differentiation, multichannel communication, and advertising.

The Walt Disney Company has concentrated on marketing research to advertise the park with a European appeal. Initially, Euro Disney was depicted in an American style of extravagance and size, which was not appealing to the Europeans (Lotz et al., 2022). However, following intensive market research, Disney UK embraced marketing research that guided the brand to concentrate on the emotional aspect that is enticing to Europeans in its advertising. Therefore marketing research is a crucial success factor in Disney’s success in the UK market.

Disney has differentiated its products into segments of media networks, parks, purchasable goods, interactive media, and studio entertainment to serve a more wide and diverse customer base. Product segmentation to specialize in various product lines in the entertainment industry facilitates a broad market size. Multiple product lines in a single industry help Disney UK to determine market opportunities, increase understanding of the market segmentation, and make the necessary adjustments in marketing appeals. Creating more options in the range of products offered by Disney UK helps the organization to cater to more individual tastes, increases the market share, and identify market opportunity.

Moreover, to reach a variety of consumers, Disney UK employs multichannel marketing to utilize a variety of advertising avenues. The various methods of promotion applied by Disney U.K include direct selling, digital marketing, sponsorship, public relations, and sales promotion. Multichannel advertising by Walt Disney not only enhances customer interactions but also optimizes the supply chain and increases the availability of the products. Operating in the entertainment industry, Walt Disney has put much effort into digital marketing since they can grow their business aside from advertising. Multichannel marketing allows Disney UK to improve customer perception since the primary marketing message is passed across different platforms.

The pricing of products and services by Disney U.K is dynamic based on the product’s perceived value. The value-based pricing in Disney U.K creates some assurance on the quality of products and services offered. Bearing that the sales value is relative to profitability, Disney pivots on upgrading consumer experience and building long-term consumer relations. Consequently, premium pricing is central to improved brand value and customer loyalty in Disney UK (Wisneski, 2020). Notably, the advertising slogans applied by Disney UK align with value-based pricing. Leveraging value-based pricing, an element of marketing has enabled Disney UK to enhance the quality of goods and services, customer loyalty, and brand value.

To conclude, intense marketing research, value-based pricing, product differentiation, and multichannel communication are the advertising and marketing approaches utilized by the Disney Company, UK. While marketing research enables Disney UK to identify the customer appeal points, multichannel communication and product differentiation are targeted at enhancing customer interaction and improving the customer base. Although Disney UK mainly addresses its audience through a multichannel strategy, it mainly utilizes digital marketing methods. Value-based pricing creates customer nostalgia hence loyalty.


Lotz, A. D., Potter, A., & Johnson, C. (2022). Understanding the changing television market: A comparison of the macro economy of the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. Convergence, 28(1), 272-290. Web.

Wisneski, K. (2020). The Walt Disney Company and Corporate Social Responsibility. Web.

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